chronic renal changes in a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
3 year old MN Bernese Mountain dog chronic PU/PD, weight loss over last 3 months, current renal azotemia (BUN 38, creat 4.5, SDMA 31), SpG 1.010 with UPC 0.4, culture pending but not an obvious infection on cytology. Adrenals normal size and rest of exam unremarkable. Blood pressure readings inconsistent, but did get one in…
renal cyst 2/3/24
14 yr MN Heeler cross with weight loss over 6 months despite normal appetite, no vomiting or diarrhea. Found this renal cyst on ultrasound. Blood work from earlier in the fall did not show azotemia, repeating today and a UA is also pending. Wondering if you might recommend draining it and if so, any specific…
Suspected liver neoplasia with cystic regions
13 year old FS Australian Shepherd. Two months ago, liver enzymes were markedly elevated -ALT 5737, AST 1680, ALP 4986, GGT 8, T bilirubin 2.6. She was lethargic and anorexic at the time. Potentially had eaten some toxic mushrooms (Lepiota spp). Positive for anaplasma and Lyme on 4DX, positive lepto titer (no convalescent taken) and…
duodenal ulcer? 11/9/23
7 year old FS Catahoula cross. A month ago was vomiting twice per day, hours after eating. Also having diarrhea. The vomiting resolved after about a week. TX A&M panel showed folate 5.4 (7.7-24.4) and cobalamine more towards the low end of normal. Diarrhea has been improving with implementation of a bland diet and folate/B12…
benign liver mass?
10 year old FS Airedale mix presenting for hematuria. We are working up the bladder – very thick walled, but stumbled upon this rounded mass in her mid liver. Blood work = very mild ALP elevation. Considering FNA. Sorry, your browser does not support embedded videos.
ursodiol indicated?
10 year old MN Chihuahua, no reported liver enzyme elevations. Would you consider this an emerging mucocele to merit ursodiol? This is the end of the study, so the debris never settled. Sorry, your browser does not support embedded videos.
duodenal thickening and ulceration?
10 yr. FS DSH chronic vomiting and 1 lb weight loss in last month. Retches and vomits bile, mostly at night. Overall, overweight cat. Blood work unremarkable. 2-4 week trials of ZD and Microbiome have not made a difference. Responded to maropitant. First posted video (7) is in right lateral and mainly looked like mild…
bladder wall diverticulum
12 year old MN Shih Tzu. Has always been PU/PD. ALP in the 500’s. Ultrasound showed normal sized adrenal glands, enlarged liver with a couple of hypoechoic nodules. Wondering if you would call this a diverticulum off of the urinary bladder? Concerns about such a structure? Suspect it could make the patient more susceptible to…
help confirming which liver lobe
13 year old MN Belgian Malinois – concern for irregular liver lobe. FNA pending. I struggle with naming which lobe – quadrate? left middle?
chronic renal changes in a 2 year old cat
2 year old FS DSH, more lethargic lately, some defecation outside the litter box. Did have a previous short episode of vomiting that resolve. Kidney values have been elevated – BUN 47, creat 3.3, phos 4.5, albumin 4.1 HCT 34, Urine SpG 1.047, 2+ protein on dipstick, but inactive sediment and UPC 0.1. Blood pressure…