help confirming which liver lobe

help confirming which liver lobe

13 year old MN Belgian Malinois – concern for irregular liver lobe. FNA pending. I struggle with naming which lobe – quadrate? left middle?

chronic renal changes in a 2 year old cat

2 year old FS DSH, more lethargic lately, some defecation outside the litter box. Did have a previous short episode of vomiting that resolve. Kidney values have been elevated – BUN 47, creat 3.3, phos 4.5, albumin 4.1 HCT 34, Urine SpG 1.047, 2+ protein on dipstick, but inactive sediment and UPC 0.1. Blood pressure…

Lymphoma vs. ureterolith/hydronephrosis

17 year old MN DLH presented for vomiting, lethargy and anorexia. Painful on abdominal palpation. Marked azotemia with mild increase in K initially. Phosphorous elevated and HCT low normal with rehydration. Renal values have been coming down on IVF. No uroliths seen in urinary bladder, one stone appreciated in left renal pelvis, but not obstructive….

chronic leptospirosis?

8 year old MN Shep mix with severely elevated liver values, severely icteric. Previous medical record indicated some elevated Lepto titers, but a convalescent sample had not risen enough to declare and infection (2021). The dog had been on Clavamox, doxy and Denamarin. Could this liver appearance be chronic Lepto infection? I did a FNA,…


1 year old FI Golden. First estrus cycle started beginning of April and lasted 3 weeks. Has been anorexic since this time. Some intermittent diarrhea and vomiting that has resolved. Does the uterus look more thickened than would expect it to be this far out from estrus? Metritis?

Hyperechoic, punctate opacitites throughout spleen and cortices in Cushinoid canine

12 year old FS Chihuahua with hx of hyperadrenocorticism, hypertension and proteinuria. Decreased appetite. Meds include benazapril, amlodipine, telmesartan and trilostane. Blood pressure still not controlled. Adrenals bilaterally enlarged and not infiltrating surrounding structures. Planning to recheck ACTH stim and adjust BP meds. Two questions: should we still consider a pheochromocytoma? How would you describe…

ectopic ureters in a 6 year old female Doodle

Recently adopted, was told she was spayed, but no spay scar has been identified. Seeing more uterine tissue than would expect and possible ovarian tissue behind RK (no follicle)-did not include that image. Patient is reportedly not incontinent, but owner did mention she does have accidents when excited to see owner. Male dog was recently…

Suspect glomerulonephritis or interstitial nephritis

10 year old FS Westie. Patient presented for increased respiratory rate. Hx of chronic mucous/sneezing. Rhinoscopy has been performed, but unsure of results. Owner thinks may have had mild pre-existing renal disease, but awaiting records. On pred for neck pain. Rads last night showed a mild leukopenia (4100), renal azotemia (BUN 130, creat 3.7, Phos…

ileocolic cyst?

12 year old MN Chihuahua – couple of weeks of lethargy, anorexia and intermittent vomiting.  Distended abdomen.  Very bizarre cystic structure that appeared to be coming out of the ileocolic region, but I could not find an obvious mass.  It had a rounded cranial end starting just caudal to the stomach and left limb of…

Intermittent vomiting and diarrhea, thickened muscularis layer of stomach

7 year old FS French Bulldog with 4 week hx of intermittent vomiting and diarrhea + weight loss and decreased appetite.  I was not given blood work, but was told there was a decrease in serum protein that improved on recheck (assuming albumin, but unsure).  She does have some mild muscularis thickening in a couple…

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