nodular liver

nodular liver

Murphey is a 7 year old MN Lab with a 2 week history of anorexia and PUPD.  Blood work today showed ALP 1500, ALT 400, T bili 5.4, albumin 3.1, BUN 6, normal WBC at 13K. He was mildly febrile today at 103.2, has cranial organomegally and is QAR.  Took FNA’s and a culturette of…


Just saw a 4 year old MI Brittany spaniel w/ hx of inappropriate urination.  Free catch urinalysis has show an active sediment, but bladder cysto was clean.  Ultrasound showed a bright, smooth, uniform, enlarged prostate (3 cm, so still less than the 5 cm size I have listed as normal for in tact dogs).  He…


Just saw a 4 year old MI Brittany spaniel w/ hx of inappropriate urination.  Free catch urinalysis has show an active sediment, but bladder cysto was clean.  Ultrasound showed a bright, smooth, uniform, enlarged prostate (3 cm, so still less than the 5 cm size I have listed as normal for in tact dogs).  He…

Anorexic cat, spurious hypercalcemia

Haley presented one week ago for vomiting, lethargy and some loos stool.  Hx of hyperthyroidism, on methimazole.  Hx UTI previously and asthma as a young cat (has not required tx since using pred briefly years ago).  PE- mild murmur, thin, BP 145 sytstolic Labs – initial TCa 13.3, iCa 1.65, BUN 38 (normal creat), PCV/TP…

Anorexic cat, spurious hypercalcemia

Haley presented one week ago for vomiting, lethargy and some loos stool.  Hx of hyperthyroidism, on methimazole.  Hx UTI previously and asthma as a young cat (has not required tx since using pred briefly years ago).  PE- mild murmur, thin, BP 145 sytstolic Labs – initial TCa 13.3, iCa 1.65, BUN 38 (normal creat), PCV/TP…

polycystic kidneys?

This is a 7 year old MN Siamese.  He has been lethargic and lost some weight in the last week.  Had an episode of multiple times of vomiting in them middle of the week related to a diet change.  Has been better over the last couple of days.  Blood work is pending.  He does not…

polycystic kidneys?

This is a 7 year old MN Siamese.  He has been lethargic and lost some weight in the last week.  Had an episode of multiple times of vomiting in them middle of the week related to a diet change.  Has been better over the last couple of d

gallbladder centesis

Could you review your technique for aspirating a gall bladder, including how much sedation you use? Do you aspirate when you see choleliths in asymptomatic dogs? Aerobic and anaerobic C&S + cytology? Thank you!

vacuolated appearing liver

Two week history of decreased appetite progressing to anorexia the last 2 days.  Having diarrhea and increased borborygmus.   Has free reign of a farm.  Owner saw him drinking from an irrigation ditch 3 weeks ago.  Blood work showed an ALT of 230, ALP 884 and elevated cholesterol.  With supportive care, liver values are improving. 

DCM in a Boston?

I am working on improving my echo skills with our new 6S probe.  I am just getting used to continuous wave doppler (vs. just being able to use pulse wave in the past) and trying to get comfortable rule out pulmonary hypertension.  I live at 5K, so a frequent thing to rule out. 

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