hyperechoic enlarged kidneys

hyperechoic enlarged kidneys

10 yr FS DSH with diarrhea and mild azotemia. Ultrasound a few months ago showed plump mesenteric lymph nodes and mild kidney enlargement with hyperechoic cortices. The kidneys have increased in size on today’s exam and are both 4.8/4.9 cm in diameter. What differentials should I be including?

Pleural Effusion Ascites and ghosts

8 yr FS cat, PE and ascites. Blood wk=NSF, Alb= normal. US; normal cardiac structure and function, slight increased right ventricular size. Ghost noted on tilted brick just cranial to heart base and above ventricle at level of R atrium on RSA view. Fluid sample obtained from abdomen consistent with mild chylous effusion (no inflammation,…

Kitten Echo Ratios and Numbers

12-week kitten. Hx of possible seizure episodes. Presented for dyspnea. Rads heavy dorsal caudal interstitial lung pattern with interstitial/alveolar pattern CV. Brief US. RSA LA size was at cut off limit for adults (Ao may be measured a bit small), LAD was WNL( slightly rounded). SNAP NT-pro BNP was abnormal (Blue dot darker than control))….

stone passage and infarctions?

5 yr indoor only MN DSH with renal azotemia, normal HCT and low normal K. The right kidney looks like infarctions (BP on very spicy cat under sedation was 170 systolic initially, so started amlodipine) and the left appears hydronephrosis. Could trace the ureter until just cranial to bladder. No visible stone other than the…

Feline DCRV

6 yr FS cat ,4/6 new murmur. Clinically fine! LV, M mode measures normal. Hypertrophy of septal base. Flow at septal base was 1.5m/s, slightly restrictive near end systole.Normal flow past AO valve. Mild aliasing of LV outflow resolved with increasing CF PRF. Early diastolic dysfunction noted from mitral inflow and IVRT. Left atrial size…

focal enteritis?

11 month old FS DLH with acute vomiting and abdominal pain. Thought this loop of jejunum had some muscularis layer thickening and overall thickness at upper end with plump ileocolic lymph nodes. Rest of small bowel unremarkable other than some gas in the lumen. Please comment on the jejunum appearance and any next steps you…

Yellow cat – now doing fine

1-year-old SF cat presented with jaundice and mild anemia. RDVM prescribed doxy, prednisolone, and referred for abdominal US. US showed mild-moderate CBD dilation and inflamed duodenal papilla. 10 days later, repeated US showed similar findings but resolved bilirubinemia. Patient eating well and gaining weight. Unclear cause of DPap inflammation, but patient doing well. Any chance…


4-month-old male cat.Grey zone LVH m mode, some 2D measures exceeding 0.6mm.SAM present with MV regurge. Ischemia/fibrosis in RSA view with a couple B lines I don’t think significant? LAD=normal,RSALA:AO= mild increase.Brief follow up echo to complete with cat fasted and sedated. Similar findings; increased HR and more significant LVH(0.7cm) than earlier study. Mitral E:A…

Diastolic dysfunction and heart rate

2 1/2-year-old spayed cat. Required butorphenol sedation. It had a mild effect. Heart rate rarely went below 200bpm. Cardiac measures were WNL. Mitral inflow was evaluated with pulsed Doppler, with the sweep speed increased to discern the E and A waves. The heart rate noted on the ECG is not correct on that picture. IVRT…

Is a HCM phenotype diagnosis warranted?

Provided are some pics of an 8kg, 11 year old female spayed DMH presented for ultrasound. Pre-surgical blood work revealed a blood glucose of 15.1 with normal renal values. ECG suggested widening of the QRS complex and right axis deviation possibly normal variation. A SNAP pro BNP was abnormal. A thyroid test was not performed….

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