Feline DCRV

Sonopath Forum

6 yr FS cat ,4/6 new murmur. Clinically fine! LV, M mode measures normal. Hypertrophy of septal base. Flow at septal base was 1.5m/s, slightly restrictive near end systole.Normal flow past AO valve. Mild aliasing of LV outflow resolved with increasing CF PRF. Early diastolic dysfunction noted from mitral inflow and IVRT. Left atrial size normal with no insufficiency.
RSA of RV =RV wall hypertrophy(RVW=LVW).Muscular band mid RV creating a DC effect( (PWD=1.5-2m/s). RA size normal with no insufficiency. No obvious VSD or PDA. PA flow normal. Cause of murmur? Follow up? Thoughts?



Yes, looks like a mild form of DCRV. Giving the mild hypertrophy and the age of the patient, I would not worry about that. There is also a false tendon of the LV visible. A follow up scan in 1-2 years is likely a reasonable time frame for this cat.
Some people treat DRCV cats with beta blockers – given the low grade in this case, I would not do this here.
Given the paucity of studies (particularly longitudinal studies) investigating this condition, a data-based prognosis is impossible in this case. Yet, according to my personal experience, those progressing to right sided CHF are usually detached in cats < 1year and are already severe at that age. Those detected later rarely cause problems in the future

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