Case Of the Month
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Aggressive Osteolytic Lesion In A 4-Year-Old, MN, Siberian Husky: Our November Case Of the Month
The patient was presented for recent decrease of appetite, reduced activity, and left hind lameness after playing. Physical examination found crepitus and laxity in the left stifle, with some crepitus noted in the right stifle. Weakness in the hind limbs was also noted, with diminished extension in the hips and stifles. Chem 6 was WNL.
March 18, 2024
Right Divisional Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt In An 8-Week-Old Intact Male Golden Retriever: Our Case Of the Month September 2023
What do you do when your Rocket malfunctions? Karen Ebersole, DVM, DABVP, owner of Scanvet, which provides high-level ultrasound services in central Maine, from Portland to Augusta and SonoPath specialist, found a suspect liver shunt in an 8-week-old Golden Retriever named Rocket. Dr. Ebersole, along with her fluffy co-pilot Rocket, took a trip to the…
October 27, 2023
Jejunal Foreign Body In A 1-Year-Old FS Golden Retriever
A tenth of a second. That’s how long it takes for the human eye to blink. It’s likely the same amount of time it took for this unfortunate pup to SWALLOW an entire Kong® toy. “Your dog should be able to comfortably chew on their KONG® – but not fit it completely inside their mouth.”…
July 31, 2023
Jejunal Foreign Body In A 1-Year-Old FS Golden Retriever: Our Case Of the Month April 2023
A tenth of a second. That’s how long it takes for the human eye to blink. It’s likely the same amount of time it took for this unfortunate pup to SWALLOW an entire Kong® toy. “Your dog should be able to comfortably chew on their KONG® – but not fit it completely inside their mouth.”…
April 24, 2023
Retrobulbar Mass – Right Eye In A 4-Year-Old, MN, English Setter: Our Case Of the Month April 2023
4-year-old MN English Setter presents for injury to the right orbit and swelling above the right eye lid. Current meds: Meloxidyl and Neo/Poly/Dex opthl. drops, Gabapentin and Trazodone for procedure SonoPath recognized the need to provide CT services in our Northern New Jersey area and recently opened the SonoPath Imaging Center. Located just steps from…
March 15, 2023
VSD, CHF, and Thoracic Mass In A 4-Year-Old Intact Male Sphynx Cat: Our Case Of the Month February 2023
Echocardiograms are vital for the diagnosis and management of cardiac disease. Changes in the heart can develop slowly, or in the case of this patient, who has a ventricular septal defect (VSD), can progress more rapidly. The patient was diagnosed with VSD at his initial ultrasound. Within 4 months, the patient had gone into congestive…
February 6, 2023
Aortic Dissection In A 16-Year-Old MN DSH Cat: Our Case Of the Month November 2022
The patient with a history of asthma (on Flovent® and prednisolone), presented for an abdominal ultrasound due to persistently elevated liver enzymes since 3/2022, and losing weight despite increased appetite. CBC/Chem: AL:T 510, ALP 329, T. bili 1.4, leukocytosis with neutrophilia and monocytosis. Current meds: Denamarin 90 mgs q24 hrs, Metronidazole 50mgs q12 hrs, Amoxicillin…
October 17, 2022
A 1 lb Trichobezoar Foreign Body In A 4-Year-Old MN Feline: Our September Case Of The Month
A 4-year-old MN DLH cat presented for alopecia; he had fleas at the time and was barbering his hair. A palpable, cranial abdominal mass measuring approximately 4.5 cm x 5 cm was found during exam. The initial thought was that the mass was possibly an enlarged lymph node as it was not painful. At a…
August 22, 2022
Splenocaval Liver Shunt In A 9-Month-Old Intact Male Shih Tzu: Our Case Of the Month August 2022
A 10 lb, 9-month-old intact male Shih Tzu puppy with a heart murmur presented for vomiting and lethargy following dietary indiscretion.
July 26, 2022
SAS – Subaortic Stenosis In A 9-Month-Old Male Mastiff Mixed Breed: Our Case Of the Month July 2022
A 9-month-old intact male Mastiff mixed breed with history of being underweight presented at a referral facility for echocardiogram due to heart murmur.
July 11, 2022
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