Easter basket remnants?

Easter basket remnants?

10 month old kitten, may have gotten into easter basket and eaten some of the plastic straw.  Not interested in eating, lethargic and straining to defecate over last 12+ hours.  Rectal discharge is clear, mucoid fluid.  Not vomiting.  Has been dewormed and vaccinated.  Radiologist was worried about foreign material in stomach on first VD, but…

dumpster diving

Bentley presented for concerns about a possible gastrointestinal foreign body.  Got into the trash on Monday night.  Ingested mostly pieces of plastic tampon applicators and a plastic hair band.  He vomited some bile on Tuesday about 3 times.  Was still interested in eating until yesterday afternoon – last ate about 3pm.  Had a slightly soft…

parathyroid enlargement?

This patient had a mildly increased iCa.  The PTH, PTHrp, and recheck iCa are pending.  While I was performing abdominal ultrasound for other issues, I scanned the thyroid and parathyroid glands.  The picture is the left side.  Other glands were not prominent. 


Loki is a 1 year old cat known for dietary indiscretion.  He has had intermittent vomiting since Monday.  Not interested in food in last 24 hours.  Radiographs taken at rDVM were unremarkable.  Ultrasound to rule out mechanical obstruction/linear FB.  Scan was boring except for stomach – muscularis lining appears thickened to me (making it somewhat…

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