suspect acute on chronic pancreatitis in large breed dog
Tucker, 11 1/2 yr MN Golden Retriever, has been intermittently vomiting and having diarrhea for the last month. Cachectic in appearance. Opportunity for diet indiscretion. Hx of skin allergies. Blood work and abdominal rads unremarkable other than no stress response. ACTH stim pending. Only T4 run and was 1.5, still WNL.
hepatic architecture
Snickers has been picky with food recently (until owner just introduced LD, which he thankfully seems to like so far). He has had intermittent diarrhea w/ some blood. Clostridial overgrowth on fecal smear. Diarrhea responded to antibiotics. Has been having a number of senior moments.
Impressive liver abscessation/necrosis and underlying carcinoma
This is an 8 year old FS Standard Poodle who became acutely anorexic and febrile. Liver values very high (ALT 3800, ALP 5900, T bili 2.9), WBC 21K. After imaging, sent her for surgery. Was a very large, necrotic liver mass consuming the left middle liver lobe (other lobes looked ok). After resecting the left…
severe azotemia, renoliths
Mitti is a 13 year old male neutered cat with a history of urinary bladder obstruction years ago. He has been on SO diet and not had other related urinary tract concerns. He also has a history of feline asthma and is currently on 2.5 mg prednisolone three times weekly. Mitti stopped eating and had…
post-op enucleation with discharge
Maddie had an enucleation after presumedly being bit by another dog and sustaining injury to the globe. The region of the third eyelid gland was bruised, but the surgeon attempted to remove all of the tissue in that anatomic location. Antibiotics were given intra-op, but not continued at discharge. She developed some discharge, so antbitiotics…
cystic kidney vs. renal hemangiosarcoma?
Bosco is an 11 year old MN Weimeraner referred for abdominal ultrasound for weakness, some urinary incontinence, diarrhea and straining/stretching. The spleen had a mixed echogenic tumor >8 cm in the body. No effusion. The left kidney was very enlarged and tender during exam. Did not see a diltated ureter. No visible tumor involving the…
heart based mass
Kona has a heart based mass and a liver mass. PCV/TP is WNL. Presenting for unrelated symptoms (ivermectin toxicity in a collie mix). This looks right auricular to me, but not cavitated and very large. In this anatomic location, is a chemodectoma a possibility? The liver mass also looks very hemogenous and non-cavitated, making me…
Easter basket remnants?
10 month old kitten, may have gotten into easter basket and eaten some of the plastic straw. Not interested in eating, lethargic and straining to defecate over last 12+ hours. Rectal discharge is clear, mucoid fluid. Not vomiting. Has been dewormed and vaccinated. Radiologist was worried about foreign material in stomach on first VD, but…
dumpster diving
Bentley presented for concerns about a possible gastrointestinal foreign body. Got into the trash on Monday night. Ingested mostly pieces of plastic tampon applicators and a plastic hair band. He vomited some bile on Tuesday about 3 times. Was still interested in eating until yesterday afternoon – last ate about 3pm. Had a slightly soft…