inguinal hematoma post neuter?
-Duke, 1 year 2 mo old, was neutered 4/1, developed firm inguinal swelling over next 2 days. -Firmess improved w/ hyperbaric O2, but then continued and is bigger in size, but less painful to patient. Some ventral edema settling in limb, w/ distal toes still warm to touch. -Today, the swelling has what feels like…
right auricular mass?
11 year old FS Aussie presented for collapsing on a walk yesterday. I struggle with saying yes or no to a right auricular mass in cases like this that don’t have an obvious, cavitated mass. I am seeing what looks like fibrin coming off the auricle, but at the junction between the atria and…
right auricular mass?
11 year old FS Aussie presented for collapsing on a walk yesterday. I struggle with saying yes or no to a right auricular mass in cases like this that don’t have an obvious, cavitated mass. I am seeing what looks like fibrin coming off the auricle, but at the junction between the atria and…
feline cystic pancreatic mass and hyperechoic liver nodule
Barron, 17y MN DSH, is here for an ultrasound today to evaluate a cranial abdominal mass seen on radiographs. Barron has not been eating well for last couple of weeks. Had a dentistry last week in hopes oral disease may contributing to the anorexia, but anorexia persists. Mirtazipine was started yesterday and he did eat…
feline cystic pancreatic mass and hyperechoic liver nodule
Barron, 17y MN DSH, is here for an ultrasound today to evaluate a cranial abdominal mass seen on radiographs. Barron has not been eating well for last couple of weeks. Had a dentistry last week in hopes oral disease may contributing to the anorexia, but anorexia persists. Mirtazipine was started yesterday and he did eat…
prostatic cyst vs. prostatitis
Yogi has a histroy dating from June 2014 of recurrent UTI’s, low urine specific gravity and renal values that are trending up. SpG is 1.010. BUN has gone from 18 in 2014 to 42 this January. Creat went from 0.9 to 1.5 in same time frame. This January, most recent free catch urine sample showed…
prostatic cyst vs. prostatitis
Yogi has a histroy dating from June 2014 of recurrent UTI’s, low urine specific gravity and renal values that are trending up. SpG is 1.010. BUN has gone from 18 in 2014 to 42 this January. Creat went from 0.9 to 1.5 in same time frame. This January, most recent free catch urine sample showed…
Feline Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency ultrasound findings?
Ranger Chapel is a 3 year old Maine Coon w/ a 3 month history of weight loss and intermittent diarrhea. Ultimately, he was diagnosed w/ EPI based on a GI blood panel. What I could find on VIN said there are not usually specific ultrasound findings unless there is concurrent disease such as chronic pancreatitis,…
Feline Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency ultrasound findings?
Ranger Chapel is a 3 year old Maine Coon w/ a 3 month history of weight loss and intermittent diarrhea. Ultimately, he was diagnosed w/ EPI based on a GI blood panel. What I could find on VIN said there are not usually specific ultrasound findings unless there is concurrent disease such as chronic pancreatitis,…
nodular liver
Murphey is a 7 year old MN Lab with a 2 week history of anorexia and PUPD. Blood work today showed ALP 1500, ALT 400, T bili 5.4, albumin 3.1, BUN 6, normal WBC at 13K. He was mildly febrile today at 103.2, has cranial organomegally and is QAR. Took FNA’s and a culturette of…