Chronic vomiting and weight loss progressing to anorexia in a 6 year old FS Standard Poodle

Chronic vomiting and weight loss progressing to anorexia in a 6 year old FS Standard Poodle

3 month history of vomiting at least several times daily, usually associated with food, but timing not consistent.  Bowel movements small, but formed.  Multiple diets have been tried.  Blood work is WNL including an ACTH stim.  In last several days, has stopped eating and drinking.  Maropitant was started last week and that did subside the…

central renal cyst vs. hydronephrosis?

16 year old FS DLH.  Mild azotemia BUN 32, creat 2.2, HCT 25% (anemia seems disproportionate to degree of azotemia).  Would you consider the left renal pelvis moderately dilated? No uroliths seen, ureter could be picked up more distally and looked normal.  Would you be thinking chronic urolith passage/fibrosis/infection? Then her right kidney has what…

Glossitis in a 10 month old Australian Cattle dog

 History: Diagnosed with suppurative glossitis based on oral biopsy. No evidence of fungal or autoimmune disease on biopsy. He was placed on a 7-day course of Clavamox, and his symptoms of lethargy, fever and anorexia resolved. He also had a beta hemolytic strep UTI at 4 months of age. Chemistries have been normal.  Initial CBC had…

Inspissated gall bladder in a feline?

16 year old FS DSH, owner concerned she is uncomfortable because her posture is more hunched, mild increase in renal values and SDMA with more marked anemia of 25%.  Liver values WNL.  Anorexia that improved with some outpatient supportive care.  History of hyperthyroidism, controled. I had a difficult time making out the gall bladder in…

gastric foreign body thoughts

12 year old FS Yorkie mix with lethargy and elevated liver values.  Hx of urinary issues with inactive sediment.  Ultrasound findings included this gastric foreign object that was not obstructive, but may be intermittently landing in the pylorus, as well as thickened urinary bladder wall, hyperechoic gall bladder debris without shadowing or evidence of biliary…

cystic lymph node?

Wellness ultrasound on a 10 year old FS Border Collie.  All else looked ok, but this was amongst several other mesenteric lymph nodes.  Does this look like a cyst on a lyph node? Very in the thick of vascularity, so I’m a bit nervous to drain it.  For now, recommending a recheck in 4-8 weeks,…

Small kidneys with significantly thickened cortices

14 yr MN DSH with seizure and nystagmus episode 3 weeks ago.  Echo revealed some pericardial effusion and unclassified cardiomyopathy (reviewed by Dr. Lamy).  Responded to a furosemide trial – no further pericardial effusion and LA size WNL on recheck echo.  Current thoughts for addressing his heart included continuing with furosemide at a low dose…

thickened uterine body in a 1 1/2 year old GSHP

Five days ago, owner noted vaginal swelling and bleeding.  Bleeding lasted 2-3 days, then started having yellowish discharge in “significant amount” (enough to motivate the owner to place a disposable diaper on pet).  Six months ago was pet’s first heat cycle.  She is bright, non-febrile, normal CBC.  Vaginal exam = swollen, I did not find…

suspect prolific bladder tumor vs. polypoid cystitis

14 year old FS DSH.  Initial inappropriate urination and hematuria in October.  Full workup at nearby referral hospital including blood work (mild azotemia), abdominal ultrasound (one proliferative mass appearing region ventral bladder wall 1.8 cm long and two smaller dorsal mass like/proliferative regions dorsal wall to the right in trigone region), and UA (marked hematuria…

suspect prolific bladder tumor vs. polypoid cystitis

14 year old FS DSH.  Initial inappropriate urination and hematuria in October.  Full workup at nearby referral hospital including blood work (mild azotemia), abdominal ultrasound (one proliferative mass appearing region ventral bladder wall 1.8 cm long and two smaller dorsal mass like/proliferative regions dorsal wall to the right in trigone region), and UA (marked hematuria…

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