‘Fluffy’ hyperechoic splenic nodules

‘Fluffy’ hyperechoic splenic nodules

13 year old FS Setter mix with suspected hyperadrenocorticism – enlarged adrenals and liver as well as polydipsia and coat issues. Has also developed diarrhea responsive to GI Biome diet and appetite is decreased with mild weight loss. These splenic nodules look more fluffy that I would expect with myelolipomas. Also wondering if you think…

MVD Therapeutic Finesse chest radiographs

Minimal lung changes now. Interstitial pattern in PH and dorsal caudal region with increased pulmonary parenchymal density. Lungs looked fairly good??Pulmonary veins increased in size. RR 36-40+ at home sleep/relaxed. Shallow breathing with minimal effort or coughing.Seems to respond to furosemide. Clinically fine otherwise. Eating and drinking. Not significantly dehydrated- increased urination, renal values were…

MVD Therapeutic Finesse

12 yr , 6Kg dog stage C MVD. Pimo 1.25Mg Capsules BID, lasix 2mg/Kg and maintained. Increased RR again. Treated with Pimo, Lasix TID( 2.7 mg/Kg AM,2mg/Kg mid, and 2.7mg/Kg evening), SID Benazipril. Most Recent recheck and Echo clinically fine, RR 40/min( home and clinic), shallow- min effort, auscult = very mild crackles DH region….

severe weight loss over several months, progressing hyporexia, acute vomiting and diarrhea

12 yr FS American Bulldog with several month hx of weight loss. In April, an ultrasound showed significant stomach wall thickening and blood work ALT in 800’s, albumin 1.9. Current blood work, albumin 2, ALT 125, T bili 0.7. On ultrasound today, liver looked normal. Wondering about mild jejunal mucosal fogging and muscularis thickening as…

Cardiac neoplasia

9 1/2 yr MN boxer-X, severe weakness+ ascites+dyspnea/tachypnea. Hx= weight loss, grain free diet. Initial TX= Pimobendin. Echo; pericardial effusion with RA and some RV diastolic collapse. Pericardiocentesis to relieve tamponade. Abdominocentesis to relieve respiratory embarrassment. Mild vol. overloading of R side noted following centesis- Pimobendin continued. Recheck 3 days post centesis= normal cardiac function,…

Lymph node abscessation

The 10-year-old intact male Labrador presented with acute swelling on the left side of the face, which was hard and painful on palpation. The contralateral submandibular lymph node (SMLN) was also moderately enlarged. Ultrasound showed fluid-filled structures consistent with SMLNs on both sides, though confirmation was challenging on the left. Ultrasound-guided samples confirmed cytologically that…

Normal ilium

Can you please have a look at this ilium. This is the ilium of a female spayed maltese cross, which presented with chronic vomiting. I have noiticed that even in normal patients, I always see some degree of hyperechogenicity of ilium mucosa, probably due to the probe positioning or it is just normal. I have…

Pericardial Effusion and PHT

Does pulmonary hypertension with unrelated pericardial effusions buffer, to any degree, tamponade pressures on the RA and its resultant pathology? Is the decreased forward flow with PHT a similar trade off with the tamponade effects of PE to some degree? Can the addition of ACEi/b, treating increased downstream pressures, affect up stream pressures enough that…

developing liver shunt from decreased function?

12 yr old MN Golden retriever with up and down weight loss/poor appetite requiring homemade diet. Proteinuria and hypertension treated with benazapril. Two previous ultrasounds have shown a stable hyperechoic nodules dorso-lateral to the cystic duct, otherwise unremarkable liver. ALP was in 300’s initially, blood work and UA/UPC has not been repeated in last few…

Chemodectoma or other?

10 yr MN E Bulldog ,ventral alv lung pattern- TX aspiration pneumonia(mildWBC). Follow up= int. pattern with cardiomegaly. TX low dose furosemide and Pimobendan. Follow up; Cough almost resolved, Echo: large LA with septal bowing and restrictive MV profile. Normal LV fractional shortening(36%) with mild mitral regurgitation MV Reg. vel=4.8m/s, EPSS=.42cm, TV regurge velocity =…

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