Hypoplastic annulus

Hypoplastic annulus

I am having trouble diagnosing hypoplastic annulus in case of pulmonic stenosis. I mean what is the criteria to say that this is a normal annulus and this is a hypoplastic annulus

11-year-old dog with dysuria

11-year-old intact male Daschund was presented with the complain of dysurina. US of the abdomen revealed urinary bladder cystoliths and cystic prostatomegaly. But there seems to be a normal prostate also left and can be seen in one of the videos. It looks like the cystic prostate is attached to the normal prostate. The dysuria…

4-month old kitten with hyperbilirubinemia and pneumonia

A 4-month-old male DSH was presented for anorexia and lethargy. On PE, moderate dyspnoea was observed and pyrexia of 40.1. X-Rays revealed mild congestion on the right and left lung proximal to the heart On US, it showed shred sign in the consolidated regions, thus confirming pneumonia Blood work revealed ALT 255 and TBIL 2.1….

Derma cases

Can the dermatology cases be also posted in this forum? Thanks

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