FNA Spleen, any contraindications?

FNA Spleen, any contraindications?

I’ve had several splenic masses lately, and was not sure if FNA is appropriate for all of them?  Any contraindications? I’d been taught previously that FNA of HSA won’t yield much but blood and carries the risk of rupture.  If there is already hemoabdomen (as in one of my images, the free fluid showed blood…

Pancreatitis and caval thrombus?

I’m relatively new to SDEP, and wanted to send this case out, but the owner declined at the moment because she just decided to bring him to the E. clinic for hosp, fluids, etc.  I narrowed down my questions/concerns to the these 2.

Dry FIP ?

Small right kidney found on annual exam (new finding) Weight loss 9 yr old MN DLH Littermate died at 1 year old from wet FIP Consistently high Corona virus titer

Gastric lymph node ?

Hi all, 12 year old FS Lab Weight loss, V/D Liver enzymes all elevated, T Bili 3.5, Amylase/Lipase elevated. Hypercalcemia The dog was euthanized this morning, but I wondered for my own interest (for future cases)…. is this a gastric LN? I just noticed it’s the same echogenicity as the spleen, but doesn’t seem attached…

Gastric lymph node?

Hi all, 12 yr old FS Lab Weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea High Ca, all liver enzymes severely elevated, T Bili = 3.5, Amylase/Lipase elevated This dog was euthanized today, so this is more for my own interest (for future cases). Is this a gastric LN popping up in these 2 video clips ?  …

Cut-off for feline spleen thickness?

13 yr FS cat Weight loss Anorexia Hypercalcemia (12.7) Rest of BW WNL I surprisingly didn’t find much.  No LN, liver and GI looked WNL.  The only thing was a spleen that measured close to 1 cm…. 0.96 cm, 0.83 cm.

Thickened stomach wall

Hi all, I just returned late Sun from my first SDEP Abd scanning lab (Loved it!)  and Monday morning brought one of my dogs in to US.  I was evaluating his liver (Alk Phos up for a few months, and TP trending low normal), but ended up focusing on his stomach.

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