chronic stone passer?
9 year old MN Siamese 3 days anorexia and vomiting, hiding. Blood work shows severe azotemia. INitially unable to get urine, now UA pending (small bladder, urine appears dilute). Left kidney large, bright with surrounding edema and some minerlized areas that look like uroliths without causing renal pelvis obstruction; right kidnye atrophied w/ minimal blood…
possible pancreatic cyst? colon?
10 year old MN doodle cross having diarrhea and one episode of vomiting with evidence of signficant enteritis and colitis on ultrasound. I am having a hard time identifying the cystic looking structure between the stomach, colon and portal vein. With the curvilinear probe, I was concerned it might be a pancreatic cyst, but using…
loss of normal small bowel layering
14 year old MN diabetic who presented for hypoglycemia 10 days ago. Insulin dosage was decreased, but he has not been eating well. One episode of vomiting and having some diarrhea. Blood work unremarkable other than mild inc. in BUN and creat. Concern for hyperechoic/edematous mesentery with early loss of wall layering noted in multiple…
Hypercalcemia, rule out primary hyperparathyroidism, treatment advice?
7 year old FS Golden Retriever with 4 weeks hyporexia and weight loss. Hypercalcemia on rDVM blood work and confirmed today with iCa (1.8). Previous abdominal ultrasound reportedly WNL. Normal thoracic rads and rectal exam today. Parathyroid gland measures 2.7 mm, so slightly enlarged and prominent on ultrasound. Sending out PTH today. Do you do…
feline small bowel foreign body
11 month old FS Siamese cross with a history of vomiting – any guesses to what we will find?
feline small bowel foreign body
11 month old FS Siamese cross with a history of vomiting – any guesses to what we will find?
suspecting lymphangectatia in hypoalbuminemic Pug with weight loss
Kismet has been losing weight over the last few months (1.2 lbs since April). She does not vomit and not having diarrhea. No decrease in appetite – actually acting more hungry. She is polydipsic and she has been incontinent for at least 6 months and has been on DES. PE is overall unremarkable, but she has lost some paraspinal…
dicom viewer recommendations
Not sure this is the correct place to post this, but wondering if anyone can give advice on no/low cost dicom viewers both for PC and for Mac? I know Osirix has been recommended to me for Macs and wanted to see if that is still preferred. Also need one for PC’s at work. Thank…
renal pelvis dilation and infarcts
Renal azotemia with inactive sediment in a 1 year FS DSH with some dec. appetite, intermittent V/D and systolic grade III heart murmur. BUN 36, creat 3.5, SpG 1.022, HCT 43 w/ normal K. Prev hypertension 194 systolic. Puzzled by the dilated renal pelvis on left without active sediment and no visible mineralization. Could trace…
mid abdominal cyst in a cat
Chick is a 7 year old, no indoor only cat (last outdoor exposure years ago). Has been hiding and crying, more lethargic than normal. Owner was concerned because has been in litter box without producing anything, but hasn’t witnessed straining. Does have a hx of cystitis previously, but has done well on a urinary diet. …