gastric wall thickening and left limb pancreatitis

Sonopath Forum

gastric wall thickening and left limb pancreatitis

Acute onset of lethargy, anorexia, one episode of vomiting, mild liver enzyme elevation, BUN is 5, normal PCV/TP.  I’m concerned about how thickened the gastric wall of the dorsal fundus and body look.  There was no increase in blood flow.  Could this just be redundent gastric folds and some gastritis? The mesentery is very inflamed and edematous and only actually visualizing a small amount of the left limb of the pancreas, but I’m assuming the primary problem is left limb pancreatitis with secondary gastritis?

Acute onset of lethargy, anorexia, one episode of vomiting, mild liver enzyme elevation, BUN is 5, normal PCV/TP.  I’m concerned about how thickened the gastric wall of the dorsal fundus and body look.  There was no increase in blood flow.  Could this just be redundent gastric folds and some gastritis? The mesentery is very inflamed and edematous and only actually visualizing a small amount of the left limb of the pancreas, but I’m assuming the primary problem is left limb pancreatitis with secondary gastritis?



Id be worried about gastric

Id be worried about gastric lymphoma here. Try fna the area without detail. If thats inflammatory its a wicked gastritis. If no blood flow in the wall then mural necrosis possible as well. Needs sampling.

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