hyperechoic enlarged kidneys
10 yr FS DSH with diarrhea and mild azotemia. Ultrasound a few months ago showed plump mesenteric lymph nodes and mild kidney enlargement with hyperechoic cortices. The kidneys have increased in size on today’s exam and are both 4.8/4.9 cm in diameter. What differentials should I be including?
‘Fluffy’ hyperechoic splenic nodules
13 year old FS Setter mix with suspected hyperadrenocorticism – enlarged adrenals and liver as well as polydipsia and coat issues. Has also developed diarrhea responsive to GI Biome diet and appetite is decreased with mild weight loss. These splenic nodules look more fluffy that I would expect with myelolipomas. Also wondering if you think…
severe weight loss over several months, progressing hyporexia, acute vomiting and diarrhea
12 yr FS American Bulldog with several month hx of weight loss. In April, an ultrasound showed significant stomach wall thickening and blood work ALT in 800’s, albumin 1.9. Current blood work, albumin 2, ALT 125, T bili 0.7. On ultrasound today, liver looked normal. Wondering about mild jejunal mucosal fogging and muscularis thickening as…
developing liver shunt from decreased function?
12 yr old MN Golden retriever with up and down weight loss/poor appetite requiring homemade diet. Proteinuria and hypertension treated with benazapril. Two previous ultrasounds have shown a stable hyperechoic nodules dorso-lateral to the cystic duct, otherwise unremarkable liver. ALP was in 300’s initially, blood work and UA/UPC has not been repeated in last few…
stone passage and infarctions?
5 yr indoor only MN DSH with renal azotemia, normal HCT and low normal K. The right kidney looks like infarctions (BP on very spicy cat under sedation was 170 systolic initially, so started amlodipine) and the left appears hydronephrosis. Could trace the ureter until just cranial to bladder. No visible stone other than the…
focal enteritis?
11 month old FS DLH with acute vomiting and abdominal pain. Thought this loop of jejunum had some muscularis layer thickening and overall thickness at upper end with plump ileocolic lymph nodes. Rest of small bowel unremarkable other than some gas in the lumen. Please comment on the jejunum appearance and any next steps you…
Quadrate liver lobe? Double splenic body?
12 year old FS Beagle. Presented due to some gastric foreign material, but had some additional ultrasound findings. Blood work GGT 29, rest WNL. In the liver mass videos, can you discern if this is the quadrate lobe from the provided dorsal views? And in the splenic video, am I looking at a redundant splenic…
chronic renal changes in a 3 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
3 year old MN Bernese Mountain dog chronic PU/PD, weight loss over last 3 months, current renal azotemia (BUN 38, creat 4.5, SDMA 31), SpG 1.010 with UPC 0.4, culture pending but not an obvious infection on cytology. Adrenals normal size and rest of exam unremarkable. Blood pressure readings inconsistent, but did get one in…
renal cyst 2/3/24
14 yr MN Heeler cross with weight loss over 6 months despite normal appetite, no vomiting or diarrhea. Found this renal cyst on ultrasound. Blood work from earlier in the fall did not show azotemia, repeating today and a UA is also pending. Wondering if you might recommend draining it and if so, any specific…
Suspected liver neoplasia with cystic regions
13 year old FS Australian Shepherd. Two months ago, liver enzymes were markedly elevated -ALT 5737, AST 1680, ALP 4986, GGT 8, T bilirubin 2.6. She was lethargic and anorexic at the time. Potentially had eaten some toxic mushrooms (Lepiota spp). Positive for anaplasma and Lyme on 4DX, positive lepto titer (no convalescent taken) and…