Browsing The Forum
I was wondering if there is a way to browse through the forum…I like to randomly go through past posts but have to use the scroll back icon to get to the older ones. There’s about 131 pages of old posts and that takes a long time to scroll. Is there an option to enter…
Chronic Pancreatitis vs Neoplasia
Charlie, 14 Year old DSH neutered male…3 month Hx of anorexia and weight loss…Lab work on 7/7/17 was WNL except a fCPL of 5.1. Responded intially to dexasone injection, but not eating at all past 3 days. PE: Cachexic, slight fullness mid abdomen.
Elevated Liver Enzymes
Paz is a 12 year old DMH female/spayed History of anorexia PE: Temp: 103.8 and aural/soft palate jaundice Labs: ALT 162 Alk Phos 510 T. Bil 4.2 T4 7.8 BUN 10 Phos 2.8
Cat w/ Ascites
Rusty: 11 Year Old DSH Presents for ADR and anorexia x3 weeks. PE: 3/6 systolic murmur and fullness to abdoment LABS: WNL except 21,500 WBC# Abd. U/S: Moderate/Lg Volume ascites (analysis suggests mod. transudate). SI thickened w/ muscularis layer approaching thickness of mucosa and corrugation of SI present. Card. U/S: LV walls thickened past 6mm…
Intestinal Lymphoma?
Misty is a 15 year old cat with an ~2 month history of vomiting, weight loss and general ADR. PE was unremarkable and CBC/Chemisty/T4 were normal. To me the SI’s, both jejunum and ileum are thickened with the muscularis being the thickest. I also believe that I see mesenteric LN’s in the area of…