Ocular tumour
– 11 year FS Golden Retriver presented about a month ago for a red eye – was diganosed with conjuctivitis and prescribed an ocular antibiotic where it helped but did not completely resolve – presented today with severe left eye swelling and ocular pain, corneal edema and exophthalmos; evidence of severe glaucoma – emergency protocol…
Pancreas Lesion?
Chloe is a 12 year old Peke X. Had one episode of V/D last week and Lots of V/D in past 24 hours. PE was not enlightening & owners declined bloodwork. Did quick abd scan… I see hyper-echoic uniformly granular “masses” in association w/ each kidney??? Or possibly pancreas??? What I see of the rt/lt…
Abdominal pain in a 5 yr old MN Doberman 2 weeks post gastropexy
5 year old MN Doberman presented for acute onset abdominal pain 2 weeks post castration and elective gastropexy. PE showed possible SQ/abdominal swelling at the gastropexy site, caudal to the last rib on the right side. CBC is wnl and the patient is afebrile.