Common bile duct surgery

Sonopath Forum

Common bile duct surgery


This is a follow up on my previous post. I recently posted some images of a dilated bile duct on a 6 year old cat. It measured 4mm at the time. The cat was treated very aggressively medically and has originally improved but has remained at the same point the last 2 days.


This is a follow up on my previous post. I recently posted some images of a dilated bile duct on a 6 year old cat. It measured 4mm at the time. The cat was treated very aggressively medically and has originally improved but has remained at the same point the last 2 days.

Today a repeat US showed the common bile duct had increased to 1 cm. I have posted a clip from today I believe showing the common bile duct leading to the duodenal papilla. I cannot see a soft tissue or mineralized obstruction. As the duct gets close to the duodenum I lose some clarity on the image. Marked amount of free fluid. Have not performed cytology on fluid at this point

Is exploratory surgery the best option at this point and consider flusing bile duct and placing a stent?

Thanks. Brent



Besides the dilated the duct

Besides the dilated the duct are there other abnormal parameters – clinical signs of anorexia, icterus, elevated liver enzyme activity? If not then surgery not indicated. Would also get a a cytology of the fluid and if looks inflammatory/septic then surgery is indicated.


technically a surgical cbd is

technically a surgical cbd is defined as > 0.5 cm in light of the clinical signs remo indicated. This looks like chronic cholangitis to me but surely freee fluid is never a good thing so need to watch.


Thanks for the comments.

Thanks for the comments.

We were watching the bile duct distend daily but the liver enzymes and clinical picture improved up until recently. We have collected the fluid and is currently being analyzed as you suggested. Thanks. Brent

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