acute weakness

acute weakness

This 10 yr old lab mix had episode of acute weakness one month ago. the patient was taken to the er. She had increased rrr,drooling. she was treated for gi upset. It took the dog one week to be able to stand ,walk around with ease. she was taken for abdominal ultrasound a few weeks…

hypercalcemia/IVS change

This is a 9 yr old Standard Poodle with history of loss of energy,variable appetite,weaker hindlimbs. Her RDVM found calcium elevation on chemistry of 14.1 and phos 2.4. They went on to run ionized Calcium 1.87(1.24-1.43) intact PTH normal.She has been on furosimide. On PE her lung fields had some increased sounds. She has had…

solitary cavitated mass

This is a 7 yr old 156 lb golden retriever. the liver has a rounded contour with multifocal hypoechoic lesions. The capsule is normal none of lesions extended beyond the capsule. in the abdomen was found a rounded cavitated mass not associated with the spleen. there was a thickened bowel loop adjacent. fna was done…

esophageal dilation

this is a 14 wk old chihuahua the owner took in from a breeder. she noticed him regurgitating food and mucous.he is 2.8 lbs .his body condition is lean but not thin. lungs wnl. heart wnl. we were suspcious and took plain films followed by barium. we think this is less likely a vascular anomaly…

radial lesions

This is a two year old mixed breed 82 lb dog. snap4dx -neg 10/16. She has a history of lameness in August that rendered her unable to walk on rear legs.  She was lyme positive . the er treated with doxy and rimadyl. the dog improved . She presented today lame again on forelimb,left. We…


An 11yr old 3lb yorkie spent three days at ER for acute pancreatitis based on increased amylase,lipase. Today presented for abdominal imaging. Findings include gall bladder hyperplasia , choleliths and immobile/mobile sediment,cbd not dilated, inflammation of pancreas. the recent cbc showed thrombocytosis(618k) The elevations of lipase and amylase had resolved . I also noted from…


Here is the video of the little guy I posted last week. These are obtained transverse cd to cr . The cerebellum looked normal. the sag video just was not very easy to see. See what you think! Thanks


This is an 8 mnth old tea cup chihuahua. He presented to evaluate an open fontenalle. He has bilateral juvenile cataracts and is cryptorchid. His skull is rounded and asymmetrical. I took a chance and took a peek thru the opening. The images aren’t fabulous but I would like input on the possibility of hydrocephalus…

ovaries equine

These images were forwarded to me by one of my small animal clients. She has a 17 yr old mare that has had some abdominal pain.The mares in the herd are reacting with strong estrus signs and the mare is showing stud like behavior. the suspicion is an ovarian tumor. The images are not very…

duodenal mass?

this is a pitbull rescue about 8 yrs old. History of pu/pd, trending up liver ftn tests since 1/17 latest chem: alt 911 , alk phos 354, albumin 2.3, cholesterol 481. In addition to images here findings of heterogenous pancreas, caudal abdominal irregular mass in the region of medial iliacs, liver rounded contour hypoechoic heterogenous,vasculature normal.I…

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