radial lesions

Sonopath Forum

This is a two year old mixed breed 82 lb dog. snap4dx -neg 10/16. She has a history of lameness in August that rendered her unable to walk on rear legs.  She was lyme positive . the er treated with doxy and rimadyl. the dog improved . She presented today lame again on forelimb,left. We see a lesion that we don’t understand in this young dog.

This is a two year old mixed breed 82 lb dog. snap4dx -neg 10/16. She has a history of lameness in August that rendered her unable to walk on rear legs.  She was lyme positive . the er treated with doxy and rimadyl. the dog improved . She presented today lame again on forelimb,left. We see a lesion that we don’t understand in this young dog.




As lesion looks lytic
As lesion looks lytic infectious (bacterial or fungal) is possible Any history of previous trauma/bite wounds?
Bit young for neoplasia but always possible. Most likely needs a biopsy.


The plot thickens! The dog

The plot thickens! The dog was at a boarding facility in July. When they picked up dog it had forelimb lameness that resolved without treatment according to owner. She then became unable to walk rear legs in Aug which prompted er visit. No rads just lyme test and doxy. She improved . We saw her for “new” forelimb lameness where we found lesion. Not sure if July was same limb. thanks for the insight. We will try to get a sample from her if owner allows.I will post results.

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