Suspect feline IBD or lymphoma
Eight year old indoor only DSH with chronic vomiting. Now anorexia and diarrhea. Rounded and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, so concerned about lymphoma over IBD. Can you comment on the stomach – looks like diffuse muscularis thickening here as well, but want to be sure I’m not overinterpreting since seems like the muscularis layering in…
Suspect feline IBD or lymphoma
Eight year old indoor only DSH with chronic vomiting. Now anorexia and diarrhea. Rounded and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, so concerned about lymphoma over IBD. Can you comment on the stomach – looks like diffuse muscularis thickening here as well, but want to be sure I’m not overinterpreting since seems like the muscularis layering in…
crazy hepatomegally in a 9 year old DSH
Severely distended abdomen, weight loss and anorexia. I just can’t get over how large this liver is. Unfortunately, very financially limited owner, so no FNA, but would lymphoma be top of your list?
crazy hepatomegally in a 9 year old DSH
Severely distended abdomen, weight loss and anorexia. I just can’t get over how large this liver is. Unfortunately, very financially limited owner, so no FNA, but would lymphoma be top of your list?
11 yr FS Papillon. Hx hypothyroidism and intermittent GI symptoms. Rest of ultrasound unremarkable. Is it reasonable to try ursodiol and amoxicillin and recheck an ultrasound in 2-3 months as long as asymptomatic? Or should we be recommending surgery? Any special diet recommendations?
gastric wall thickening and left limb pancreatitis
Acute onset of lethargy, anorexia, one episode of vomiting, mild liver enzyme elevation, BUN is 5, normal PCV/TP. I’m concerned about how thickened the gastric wall of the dorsal fundus and body look. There was no increase in blood flow. Could this just be redundent gastric folds and some gastritis? The mesentery is very inflamed…
GI stricture – suspect neoplasia?
Anorexia, weight loss and hypoalbuminemia and intermittent vomiting and diarrhea. Bowel orad was very fluid distended and he has been eating some bones. Tapering was odd to me and thought looked a little bunched as might see with a linear FB, but didn’t see anything extend all the way through. Wall looks abnormal, but not…
mineralized kidneys
This dog had acute onset vomiting and marked renal azotemia that has responded to fluid therapy very well. Inactive sediment. Lepto snap negative. How would you describe these kidneys?
chronic renal failure?
Kirby is a 7 1/2 year old in tact male Shiloh Shepherd. On presurgical blood work before a dental, revealed signficant azotemia (BUN 80/creat 5.5, PCV/TP 29/7.4, normal K, mild elevation in Phos, UA SpG 1.016 w/ 1 + protein and an inactive sediment). Not current on Lepto vx. Lepto PCR was negative. Urine culture…
chronic renal failure?
Kirby is a 7 1/2 year old in tact male Shiloh Shepherd. On presurgical blood work before a dental, revealed signficant azotemia (BUN 80/creat 5.5, PCV/TP 29/7.4, normal K, mild elevation in Phos, UA SpG 1.016 w/ 1 + protein and an inactive sediment). Not current on Lepto vx. Lepto PCR was negative. Urine culture…