8 month old MI Bernese Mountain Dog with mild azotemia
Referred for an abdominal ultrasound for possible renal dysplasia. rDVM had not run a UA yet, so that is pending, but mild increases in BUN, creat, Phos and SDMA. Kidneys look normal to me other than some mild mineralization at the sinus. I am always nervous about missing renal dysplasia, so would love some conformation…
Renal pathology in a 5 yr old MN DSH
Anorexia and lethargy. Blood work including Felv/FIV WNL. Mesenteric lymph nodes are prominent at 7 mm thick, but still maintaining oblong shape. Spleen has a lumpy ventral capsule. Would you call this a subcapular hypoechoic rim? Lymphoma as most probable given the spleen changes vs. carcinoma? Owner is going to go forward with FNA’s this…
sternal mass – biopsy suggestions
i’m planning to biopsy this mass with ultrasound guidance tomorrow. Was planning to sedate and use an 18 GA needle. Would you do anything differently?
Kidneys with micro infarcts (?) and liver mass in a hypertensive, hyperthyroid cat
15 year old MN DSH with blood pressure >200, mildly elevated T4 and Ca with weight loss. Still eating and no vomiting or diarrhea. Could you please give your impression of the kidney and liver?
Emerging mucocele
5 year old terrier mix I have been following with concern for emergoing mucocele. Included are pre and 1 hour post prandial images which show some contraction in the right intercostal view post prandial. Post prandial videos also show the material looks less inspisated, so wondering if best to just continue monitoring? Had never seen…
Shunt hunt on 22 month old Shih Tzu
Surrendered for urinary incontinence. ALT 452, BUN 4, HCT 50 but MCV low. No crystals on UA; pH 8 w/ SpG 1.005-1.025 at different times. No neurologic symptoms specifically noted. Thought I found an area where PV was tortuous extrahepatically, but could not document a shunt on color doppler (lots of sparkles and wondering if…
possible liver mass
13 yr FS DSH recently dx w/ hyperthryoidism. Also has liver enzyme elevations: ALT 132, ALP 230, T bili 3.9. Poor appetite and losing weight. Difficult time scanning region of left pancreas. Seeing mass effect that communicates with dorsal liver and is mostly dorsal to the portal vein, but have some insecurity that it may…
cystic liver, distended CBD, distended pancreatic duct
Cole is a 17 year old MN DSH with a history of CRD and gradual weight loss. He has had elvations in his ALT in the past. An ultrasound in May showed similar changes as today. The liver has cystic changes throughtout and both the common bile duct and pancreatic duct are distended. Today, he…
acute renal failure in 10 week old pup
Vomiting and diarrhea, parvo negative, mild leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia, marked renal azotemia (SpG 1.012, BUN >120, creat 8.5), Ca and Phos>15, T bili 8, ALP > 993, full UA pending. Mild to moderate amount of anechoic effusion. Bright kidneys. Suspecting toxin or Lepto infection as top rule outs (no prior lepto vaccination). Please comment on…
renal changes
10 year old FS Bouvier w/ hyporexia and intermittent vomiting. Renal azotemia – BUN 147, creat 7.9, phos 16, K WNL, HCT 40, SpG 1.016, 3+ protein and 10-20 WBCs w/o bacteria seen on urine cytology. Culture pending. With the mineralization, thinking chronic renal failure most likely, but with the relatively normal size for 65…