8 months post cholecystectomy
I’ve attached the video version of the stills provided in a previous thread – 8 month post cholycystectomy for mucocel, presented painful cranial abdomen and vomiting. Pancreas region looks ok. ALT 330, ALP >4000.
early mucocele treatment recommendations
Faith is a 10 yr FS Poodle, non-clinical for waxing/waining liver values (highest= ALT 211, ALP 142). On pred for presumed IMHA (5 mg daily). Ultrasound on 12/27 revealed early mucocele appearance in GB (last image). No other abnormalities. GB contents same or slightly worsened despite adding ursodiol and Denamarin. NO antibiotics yet. Any thoughts…
prostatitis + BPH vs. neoplasia
Cooper is an 11 yr MI Lab who’s initial presentation did include some blood from the penis, but no difficulty urinating (presented for other reasons). Rectal exam revealed smooth, non-painful prostate. UA consistent with a UTI and hematuria. Blood work unremarkable. Ultrasound of prostate revealed very enlarged prostate (5 cm) with mottling, some smaller cystic…
pancreatitis vs. mass
11 yr MN Rat terrier w/ acute onset vomiting, bloating and abdominal pain over 9 days ago. Serial ultrasounds initially showed possible abscess appearance of the body/left limb but not encapsulated. Began just appearing more hypoechoic. Slightly less thick than initial measurements and minimal effusion that was initially present gone. Right limb prominent and stable…
Azotemic 6 month old Dane, possible Leptospirosis?
Dane, 6 mo MI, presenting for vomiting. Renal azotemia, anemia and thrombocytopenia w/ hematuria and proteinuria (orange color to urine). Ultrasound – loss of C-M distinction w/ appearance of debris is medulla. Inc. echogenicity/patchy compared w/ spleen. Normal liver and GI. Plump lymph nodes, 9.5 mm. Suspecting infection/Lepto or toxin. Lepto urine PCR pending. Would…
uroliths, but take up color flow?
This is a 7 year old FS Shitzu. She has a hx of hematuria w/ a urine SpG of 1.037, pH 8, some struvites seen, no bacteria, RBCs+++, few WBCs. Main question – looks like amorphous uroliths, but why is it taking up color flow? Last video in standing and does show material moving more…
suspect flexor carpi lunaris tendonopathy, rule out neoplasia
7 year old FS Sharpei mix w/ 1 month hx of swelling just proximal to accessory carpal bone, seems to be getting worse. Looks like recently getting more swollen. Some mild discomfort on ROM. Grade II/V lameness at walk to trot. Feels to be associated w/ muscle into tendon more proximally. rDVM did a FNA…
mineralization in kidneys of 7 year old DSH
7 yr FS DSH (tortie) w/ BUN 74, creat 7.6, phos mild inc., normal K, HCT 32, normal T4. UA inactive w/ isosthenuria and ph = 6. No crystals. Bladder has small hyperechoic non-shadowing speckles throughout. Renoliths in both kidneys w/ irregular border L>R. No ureteral obstruction. Considering renal diet w/ added citrate to prevent…
cause of murmur in cat not obvious
7 year old cat w/ systolic heart murmur. Unable to find turbulance on color flow. There is focal thickening of the IVS near outflow, but no SAMe. In the above JPEG on PW, looks like there may be a little TR, but can’t see it on color. Also looks like the could be some DRVOTO. …
7 yr MN JRTx, ascites that is completely clear (like water), acellular w/ protein = 0. PUPD, pasty diarrhea. Blood work = TP 2.9, albumin 1, globulin 1.9, chol 99, WBC just above normal count, mild anemia. No UA or fecal.