prostatitis + BPH vs. neoplasia

Sonopath Forum

prostatitis + BPH vs. neoplasia

Cooper is an 11 yr MI Lab who’s initial presentation did include some blood from the penis, but no difficulty urinating (presented for other reasons).  Rectal exam revealed smooth, non-painful prostate.  UA consistent with a UTI and hematuria.  Blood work unremarkable.  Ultrasound of prostate revealed very enlarged prostate (5 cm) with mottling, some smaller cystic areas, one area of shadowing and inc. opacity and some asymetry.  Placed on Baytril for 2 weeks.

Cooper is an 11 yr MI Lab who’s initial presentation did include some blood from the penis, but no difficulty urinating (presented for other reasons).  Rectal exam revealed smooth, non-painful prostate.  UA consistent with a UTI and hematuria.  Blood work unremarkable.  Ultrasound of prostate revealed very enlarged prostate (5 cm) with mottling, some smaller cystic areas, one area of shadowing and inc. opacity and some asymetry.  Placed on Baytril for 2 weeks.  Repeated ultrasound and decrease in size (3 cm), less asymetry appreciated and mottling seemed improved, still one area of possible shadowing/mineralization.  I debated about FNA vs. prostatic wash and opted for the latter for fear of seeding any neoplastic cells with my needle. Unfortunately, did not get enough cells on sample to feel like we ruled out neoplasia.  Did culture what I got and it was negative (had been off antibiotics about 5 days).  Asymptomatic.  We had resumed Baytril pending results.  Leaning towards continuing the Baytril, scheduling neuter, leaving him on Baytril about a week of so after neuter (would normally do longer, but w/ negative culture, wondering if longer is necesssary) and re-ultrasound a month after neuter.  Other options, FNA or repeat prostatic wash.  Thoughts? Before and after Baytril photos and cines provided.  



Older prostates can have

Older prostates can have fibrosis and mineralization post neuter. This looks uniform to me and carcinomas typically give you nice white/pink samples on fna. This prostate is uniform and no inflammation present like you usually get with prostatic carcibnoma owing to capsular expansion. Im leaning toward benign regression with residual chronic changes.


Thanks, Eric.  One

Thanks, Eric.  One clarification, this dog hasn’t been neutered yet – prostate shrunk in size after about 3 weeks on Baytril.  Would you be more concerned about any fibrosis and mineralization we are seeing given that info? 


same thing… carcinoma is

same thing… carcinoma is usually irregular exfoliates well and different than bph and prostatitis and usually has pericapsular inflammation that this one doesnt.



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