Hypoechoic nodules associated with left pancreatic limb

Hypoechoic nodules associated with left pancreatic limb

10 year old FS DSH presented for chronic weight loss, decreased appetite with normal CBC/Chem, T4 and UA. Mild conjunctivitis and URI symptoms over past few months. but appetite does not improve even when no symptoms. Had a fever when symptoms first started in November 2021. Most recent CBC shows a lymphompenia Abdominal US shows…

Abnormal pancreas in a 9 yr old DSH

Weight loss and intermittent anorexia since July 2021. No vomiting or diarrhea. Mild hyperglycemia, mild persistent ALP elevation Abdominal ultrasound shows an enlarged, hypoechoic, pancreas with an irregular capsule and adjacent echogenic fat.  The liver shows increased echogenicity.  The gallbladder has a thickened, echogenic wall. The spleen is rounded in shape with normal parenchyma. US…

Acute vomiting and anorexia in a 4 yr old FS DSH

4 yr old FS DSH with acute onset vomiting (2-3 days) and anorexia for 2 days. Radiographs show a distended bowel loop with content the same radio-opacity as fecal material in the region of the ICC junction. Abdominal ultrasound shows mild gastric fluid distension.  The pyloric outflow is unobstructed.  The orad duodenum shows a small…

Abnormal small intestinal segment

10 yr old FS Lab Ret belonging to a SA veterinarian Intermittent vomiting beginning 2 months ago, progressing to 2-3 times/day for the past month. Bloodwork showed ALB=2.2.  ACTH stim is wnl. After medical managemet with Cerenia, metronidazole, and i/d, ALB is now 2.8.  Clinical signs resume when medical management is discontinued. Abdomimal ultrasound shows…

Cervical US in Bernese Mountain Dog

Primary vet reports dysphagia.  Owner reports dog swallows ok but food comes back up soon after swallowing. PE shows severe muscle wasting. Abnormal lab findings include: increased CK=1762 U/L, AST=110 U/L, ALT=125 U/L, low folate=4.3mcg/L. The owner has the dog on multiple holistic supplements that change frequently.  The patient is also on a raw food…

Mass in left abdomen

12 yr old FS yorkie-poo with anorexia for 3 weeks, intermittant vomiting of food x 2 weeks 2 weeks ago chem profile was wnl,CBC showed a neutrophilia, U/A showedproteinuria PLN, 8-18-21 labs rerun chem pancreatic lipase WNL Abdominal US shows a 5.0cm hypoechoic mass in the left abdomen impining upon the cranial pole of the…

Gallop rhythm in a cat

Gallop rhythm detected in an 11 yr old FS DSH with IBD, luxating patella and anxiety Echo measurements and Doppler studies are all normal There is an 8.3mm echogenic density adjacent to the aorta near the base. My primary differential diagnosis for this is fat but would like to know if there are any other…

Suspect reactive medilal iliac lymph nodes in a cat

Seven-year-old mn fel DSH with chronic intermittent vomiting and diarrhea and weight loss.  Cat has tenesmus.  No abnormalities found on rectal palpation.Medial iliac lymph nodes-mildly reactive Fecal parasite testing is negative, no significant abnormalities notes on bloodwork. Abdominal ultrasound shows increased hepatic echogenicity and what appears to be reactive medial iliac lymph nodes.  The gastrointestinal…

Antech’s new Canine Chronic enteropathy IBD assay

Just wondering what the sonopath specialist’s thoughts are on Antech’s new biomarker assay for chronic enteropathy and IBD. I am especially interested since a lot of chronic vomiting and diarrhea dogs may have minimal ultrasound findings but the owners end up not pursuing GI biopsies from what I believe to be issues of cost, fear…

Evaluation for laryngeal paralysis

11 yr old MN Collie presented for coughing/gagging. Primary vet’s rule outs included infectious, Laryngeal disease (Laryngeal paralysis), ME, neoplasia). Rads of neck and thorax read by a boarded radiologist showed laryngeal ventricle gas which can be a normal finding or due to laryngeal paralysis. No radiographic evidence of a cervical mass. Normal thorax. Ultrasound of…