Gastric content in a dog with vomiting and diarrhea

Gastric content in a dog with vomiting and diarrhea

14 year old FS Daschund with history of IBD presumably ingested a couple of plastic fork tines last week She developed black, tarry diarrhea and began ingesting grass and vomiting.  Appetite is also off. Barium series done 3 days ago showed some retention of barium in the stomach.

Hyperbilirubinemia and small liver

2 year old mn Miniature Schnauze in good physical condition presented for anorexia, vomiting, lethargy of 3-4 days duration. Chemistry profile shows increased T.Bil=18.2mg/dl, ALT=260 U/L, and GGT=9 U/L.  Normal chemistries include BUN=11, ALB=3.5 and ALKP=131.  CBC is wnl.  Chemistries done 1 year ago were all normal…BUN was 25.

Snow globe in the gallbladder

11 year old FS maltese with intermittent yearly episodes of abdominal pain and vomiting Vomited brown fluid during abdominal ultrasound Bloodwork shows increased BUN=31, normal liver values, normal Tbil, and normal WBC ct. Abdominal US shows small adrenal glands, small, degenerative kidneys, gastritis stomach pattern (retained gastric fluid and thickened wall), and both swirling, suspended debris…

Preanesthetic Echo in a Chihuahua with MVI

12 yr old FS Chihuahua with mitral murmur in need of cataract surgery-belongs to vet tech Dog is asymptomatic-chest rads show no evidence of pulmonary edema Measurements are all within normal limits (see attached images)-there is no LA dilation and LA/AO-2D=1.0. MVI has a velocity of 5.75m/s, TVI is present with a velocity of 1.7m/s,…

Renolithiasis in a 7 year old ShihTzu

7 year old FS Shih-Tzu presented for weight loss Labwork shows BUN=42, Creat=2.3, and isothenuria Abdominal  ultrasound shows a markedly enlarged right kidney with stones measuring up to 2.8cm in the renal pelvis.  The left kidney appears small and degenerative with medullary rim sign.  No ureteral stones or obstructions are seen. Rule outs for the…

Decreased corticomedullary definiton in a 2 yr old Shih-Tzu

2 year old mn asymptomatic Shih-Tzu Abdominal US performed because of a slowly rising ALT=166 IU/L Kidneys show increased cortical thickness, increased medullary echogenicity and decreased corticomedullary definition Urinalysis is normal with a USG=1.047 and negative for proteinuria The liver and all other organs are essentially normal. Why do the kidneys look like this?  Could this…

Thickened bladder wall in a vomiting cat

8 yr old Fel mn DSH vomiting and anorexia x 1 week 1.5# weight loss Normal CBC and Chem profile Radiographs showed a fluid filled mass in the right cranial abdomen (probably the pylorus) Abdominal ultrasound shows thickened, irrregular bladder wall, small intestine-increased muscularis to mucosal ratio, and slightly hypoechoic pancreas with no evidence of…

Swiss Cheese Liver in a Dog

14 year old FS lab mix with ascites, lethargy, and elevated liver enzymes Abdominocentesis yielded a modifed transudate Abdominal ultrasound shows marked ascites and an enlarged, nodular, multicystic liver Is this most likely some kind of cystic carcinoma?

Why can’t I see the cardiac mass on left sided views?

14 year old FS pitbull mix Slow onset of ascites over the past month Cytology done on abdominocentesis showed a modified transudate Abdominal radiographs show hepatomegaly and decreased detail Initial rule outs included carcinomatosis, abdominal mass, caudal vena cava thrombosis, right heart failure Abdominal ultrasound showed a marked amount of anechoic free fluid, mildly clumping…

Preanesthetic echo on an 11 year old Shih Tzu

Aggressive 11 year old mn Shih Tzu with a Grade 2/6 systolic murmur and peri-anal tumors Echo shows MVI with slight left atrial enlargement and a trans 2D LA/AO=1.5 Rest of measurements are as follows:  LA=19.2, AO=12.9, LA/AO=1.5, MPA=10.4, Ao=10.6, MPA/AO=9.8, IVSd=6.6, LVIDd=32.4, LVPWd=7.2, IVSs=12.2, LVIDs=15.0, LVPWs=10.8, FS=54%, HR=174 bpm Dog weighs 6kg.  He was quite fractious…

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