9 year old CKCS diagnosed with Stage B1 MMVD, G 3/6 murmur, had GA/splenectomy for benign mass Presented 3 months later as the owner could suddenly hear the heart murmur when sitting next to the dog Also tachypnoeic/tachycardic and exercise intolerance reported – was started on pimobendan/furosemide I scanned the dog a few days later…


9 year old CKCS diagnosed with Stage B1 MMVD, G 3/6 murmur, had GA/splenectomy for benign mass Presented 3 months later as the owner could suddenly hear the heart murmur when sitting next to the dog Also tachypnoeic/tachycardic and exercise intolerance reported – was started on pimobendan/furosemide I scanned the dog a few days later…

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