biliary tree choleliths
5 yr MN KCC with acute vomiting and lethargy, ALT 3000, ALP 719, bile acids WNL. GB looks ok to me. No significant inflammation that I am detecting in the region of the CBD, but is quite distended with a cholelith. Should I assume he is passing these and that is the cause of the…
chronic diarrhea, prominent portal markings with “bubbles”
11 year old MN Visla with chronic diarrhea and chronic intermittent morning vomiting of bile. The diarrhea is not responsive to Tylan. Has been on a grain free diet for 8 years. The portal markings were the only distinguishable finding on ultrasound. I have never seen the little bubbles in the portal vessels like you…
renal pelvis mineralization
7 yr FS Pug presented as a DKA. Hx of recurrent UTI’s. Would you just classify this as renal pelvis mineralization? Any predisposing factors likely to have led to this? Looking between the shadows, I did not appreciate any proximal ureteral dilation. Please also see her bladder image – mulitple polyp like growths in the…
biliary cyst adenoma?
14 yr MN DSH recently presented for constipation and lethargy. Lateral radiographs revealed very irregular liver margin and this is what we found on ultrasound. Only liver value elevation was GGT at 33. Aside from biliary cyst adenoma, what else should I be considering? Is the mineralization dorsally typical for this condition?
more gall bladder dilemas
12 year old MN Sheltie (12 kg) with hx hypertriglyceridemia. Well controled on low fat diet (Sci Diet Lite) and 1200 mg omega 3 fatty acids. Has been on ursodiol 62.5 mg BID since February, when originally identifying moderate amount of hyperechoic gravity dependent debris in GB w/ mildly thickened GB wall. Beginning of this…
cecum irregularity
12 yr FS DS presents for one week hx anorexia and 1 lb weight loss. No vomiting and energy still ok. Blood work at rDVM ALT 1188, T bili 9.4, ALP 208, gluc 82, CBC unremarkable. Other findings on US were thickened submucosa and a gall bladder wall 2.4 mm thick (normal contents). Liver parenchyma…
emerging mucocele
1 1/2 year old Cockapoo. Hx of on and off poor appetite – has improved with some treatment for potential emerging mucocele. Occasional vomiting. Blood work in May showed ALT 350. T4 was only 1 and free T4 was in middle of normal ref range at 1, no TSH done. Had an ultrasound 6/23 (one…
liver lobe enlargement/mass
This is a 13 year old MN chihuahua that presented for vomiting. Radiographs taken at another hospital showed a likely liver mass and blood work showed mild increases in liver values (ALT 150, ALP in 500’s). Rest of her ultrasound showed high normal measurements of caudal poles of both adrenals (5.5 mm) and a somewhat…
Severe hepatomegaly, bilateral adrenal enlargement, cardiac dilation and AI without significant decrease in function
Beatrice is a 34 lb. FS mixed breed with reduced appetite and lethargy. Intermittent murmur heard throughout time owner has had her (musical). Organomegally. Had HW ds, was treated and retested negative. No residual PH evidence. Does have ventricle dilation with AI and still has adequate function. Dr. Lamy thinks main reason for dog feeling…
Severe hepatomegaly, bilateral adrenal enlargement, cardiac dilation and AI without significant decrease in function
Beatrice is a 34 lb. FS mixed breed with reduced appetite and lethargy. Intermittent murmur heard throughout time owner has had her (musical). Organomegally. Had HW ds, was treated and retested negative. No residual PH evidence. Does have ventricle dilation with AI and still has adequate function. Dr. Lamy thinks main reason for dog feeling…