9 yr MI Samoyed with severe lethargy, pre-renal azotemia (mild), anemia (PCV/TP 30/7.8), evidence of an active urine sediment with some granular casts, current on lepto vaccine. Kidneys look bright to me and prostate large (expected), but more mottled than normal. I am planning to test for Lepto despite being current on vaccine and treat…
colonic mass
13 year old Shitzu FS with blood in stool for 2 months. Elevated WBC, otherwise normal BW. Decreased appetite and lethargic. Had blood in stool 3 years ago that resolved with antibiotics. Does it look like there is a partial intussusception? Awaiting FNA.
interstitial nephritis?
7 year old MI Shih Tzu with anorexia and lethargy. BUN 33, Phos 9.9, normal creat, mild dec. WBC, ALT 248, ALP 826. Ultrasound showed enlarged, bright liver, mild sludge adhered to mildly thickened GB wall, adrenal glands were 1 cm at the poles and the prostate looked like BPH. UA declined. Could you please…
intrahepatic liver shunt 9 months post coil placement
16 mo cryptorchid Husky. This shunt was partially closed with a coil in February and has now developed encephalopathy symptoms again. Owner has not been giving medications (lactulose) or prescription diet consistently. We are restarting lactulose and rx diet and adding metronidazole and setting up a consult with the cardiology service that placed the original…
renal dystrophy, shunt?
2 year old FI Maine Coon with repeatable mild azotemia beginning last year. Thin without GI symptoms. Indoor only. I posted the kidney images earlier in the week, but the case has gone missing. Eric commented need to rule out shunt and that looked more like dystrophy from the uroliths than dysplasia. Trying to get…
ribbon foreign body
Thought I would share this case – young DSH. Went to surgery and removed about 2 feet of ribbon all in the stomach
renal dysplasia, chronic pancreatitis
2 year old FI DSH w/ mild azotemia. Would you classify this as renal dysplasia? Or are the uroliths a larger part of the pathology? Left ureter was prominent until midway to urinary bladder when lost it without evidence of stone present. This cat is thin and also has prominent mesenteric lymph nodes without obvious…
gastric fundus thickening
15y FS Standard Poodle with hx of vomiting bile throughout the day over last 3 weeks. Blood work shows elevated globulins (historic) and UA revealed UTI – has completed a course of antibiotics. Found an area of thickness left ventral fundus through left ICS images + nearby gastric lymph node and inflammation. Inflammation in region…
feline duodenal papilla enlargement/mass
Chronic weight loss and vomiting progressing over last year, 11 year old FS DSH. Spleen was enlarged (extended to urinary bladder, but not thick), multiple loops of jejunum w/ inc. muscularis layer, and duodenal papilla was very enlarged/mass like. FNA’s of thickened lymph nodes and spleen pending w/ sample prepared for spleen flow cytometry if…
urethritis? early neoplasia?
6 year old FS DSH with Enterococcus UTI. Noted very edematous trigone/proximal urethra on intial cysto. Urine appears grossly markedly improved after 2 weeks of antibiotics, repeat urine culture pending. Urethra still has edematous appearance. Considering traumatic catheterization pending culture results. Thoughts?