Feline DCRV

Feline DCRV

6 yr FS cat ,4/6 new murmur. Clinically fine! LV, M mode measures normal. Hypertrophy of septal base. Flow at septal base was 1.5m/s, slightly restrictive near end systole.Normal flow past AO valve. Mild aliasing of LV outflow resolved with increasing CF PRF. Early diastolic dysfunction noted from mitral inflow and IVRT. Left atrial size…


4-month-old male cat.Grey zone LVH m mode, some 2D measures exceeding 0.6mm.SAM present with MV regurge. Ischemia/fibrosis in RSA view with a couple B lines I don’t think significant? LAD=normal,RSALA:AO= mild increase.Brief follow up echo to complete with cat fasted and sedated. Similar findings; increased HR and more significant LVH(0.7cm) than earlier study. Mitral E:A…

Diastolic dysfunction and heart rate

2 1/2-year-old spayed cat. Required butorphenol sedation. It had a mild effect. Heart rate rarely went below 200bpm. Cardiac measures were WNL. Mitral inflow was evaluated with pulsed Doppler, with the sweep speed increased to discern the E and A waves. The heart rate noted on the ECG is not correct on that picture. IVRT…

Is a HCM phenotype diagnosis warranted?

Provided are some pics of an 8kg, 11 year old female spayed DMH presented for ultrasound. Pre-surgical blood work revealed a blood glucose of 15.1 with normal renal values. ECG suggested widening of the QRS complex and right axis deviation possibly normal variation. A SNAP pro BNP was abnormal. A thyroid test was not performed….

What did I Do??

What did I do? Happy New Year!! This is a 10 year old Brittany female that presented for a 3/6 murmur. Owner says she is fine clinically but coughs on occasion. She was fairly cooperative but stressed and panting. General scanning revealed a slightly enlarged left ventricle(Cornell Index for LV diastole and systole were 1.98…

By the numbers

Thank you! I’m not sure if I posed the question properly regarding objective values with ultrasound in the vegetative endocarditis post. Many cardiac drugs have a dosage range and alternative dosing frequencies. Some drugs have different modes of action with similar effect (ACE blockers versus inhibitors). Can you judge the efficacy of cardiac therapies with…

Vegetative endocarditis

7 year old female spayed CKCS we were monitoring for MVD. In April of 2023, Ginger was staged at B1 MVD with trivial TV regurgitation. MV murmur=3/6 In early September – fever of unknown origin, ocular pain and increased respiratory rate. Blood work revealed a leukocytosis with normal serology. Chest radiographs showed mild cardiomegaly with…

HCM with dynamic outflow tract obstruction

This is a 7-year-old male neutered DSH cat presented for bought’ of open mouth breathing following exercise. A 2/6 systolic murmur and an abnormal SNAP pro BNP was noted. Blood work was normal, BCS is 7/9. Ultrasound revealed mild to moderate hypertrophy of the left ventricle with a prominent septal base along with SAM. Dynamic…

Feline HCM

History -Clinically normal two-and-a-half-year-old male neutered DMH cat with a 3/6 murmur. – NT pro-BNP was 1500 pmols/L. – Feline was stressed and also sedated with midazolam and butorphanol. Echo Findings -Stage B1 HCM (phenotype) -Generalized LV hypertrophy, systolic LV chamber obliteration – Mitral SAM with eccentric jet of mitral regurgitation. -Papillary muscles where enlarged…

Cardiogenic cough versus lower airway disease

Included are clips and some stills of a 6 1/2 year old, 31.4Kg, male neutered Labrador Retriever presented for a worsening cough over two weeks duration. Radiographs revealed a more generalized interstitial lung pattern with small dispersed areas revealing alveolar patterns. Heart appeared normal in size to slightly enlarged. Blood work was uneventful. Ultrasound was…