biliary cyst adenoma?

biliary cyst adenoma?

14 yr MN DSH recently presented for constipation and lethargy.  Lateral radiographs revealed very irregular liver margin and this is what we found on ultrasound.  Only liver value elevation was GGT at 33.  Aside from biliary cyst adenoma, what else should I be considering? Is the mineralization dorsally typical for this condition?

Pancreatic nodules

10 yo F/S Beagle with mild elevation of liver enzymes, asymptomatic. U/s done while she was under full anesthesia (after dental). Liver: heterogeneous, multiple small hyperechoic nodules (3-5mm), benign hyperplasia vs granuloma vs neoplasia, 1 larger hyperechoic nodule with anechoic borders (1.5cm), benign vs target lesion.

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