urinary bladder pathology -cat with inappropriate urination

urinary bladder pathology -cat with inappropriate urination

Snuggles is a female – presumably but not definitively spayed adult indoor/outdoor DLH. She showed up at outside her owners home in 2013.  She has not had any litters or observed estrus cycles. She has been urinating on the owners bed “all the time” for several months. She is also in and out of the…

Liver abscess

15 year old Terrier with lethargy, inappetance, vomiting and diarrhoea Is this a liver abscess? Can you rule out underlying neoplasia? The gallbladder had a thickened wall.  Pancreatitis and muscularis hypertrophy was also present along with steatitis and minimal free fluid but the liver seemed to be the primary problem. FNA for cytology/culture declined which…

dicom viewer recommendations

Not sure this is the correct place to post this, but wondering if anyone can give advice on no/low cost dicom viewers both for PC and for Mac? I know Osirix has been recommended to me for Macs and wanted to see if that is still preferred.  Also need one for PC’s at work.  Thank…

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