Hydronephrosis in a different cat

Hydronephrosis in a different cat

14 year old FN DSH presented unwell and inappetant with progressing severe azotaemia, is producing urine Scan showed small R kidney with cortical infarcts and poor blood supply. L kidney hydronephrotic with dilated ureter which I could follow distally but then would lose it. There was an area of mineralisation/drop out but I was not…

Gastric distention and unregulated diabetes in a 10 year old mixed breed dog

10 year old dog initially presented to the first veterinarian for bilateral rear leg ataxia.  The clinic submitted a 1 week old blood sample for an insulin to glucose ratio and was incorrectly diagnosed with an insulinoma. The dog was placed on prednisone and began vomiting and became profoundly depressed. Dog was presented to another…

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