Tricuspid Dysplasia – 29/01/18

Tricuspid Dysplasia – 29/01/18

Follow on from post earlier this year, thought it might be of interest Dog was taken off pimobendan and sildenafil and maintained on diltiazem because of previous intermittent tachycardia Severe disease progression with severely enlarged RA with smoke I have never seen a RA this big so thought I would post Arrhythmia present – runs…

Thoracic mass

10 year old Pomeranian with a chronic cough Rads looked like there were two cardiac silhouettes Left sided cavitatory mass was displacing heart to the right with a rounded LN cranial to mass Does this look like a lung carcinoma/sarcoma? Can I rule out an abscess? Owners did not want to sample/investigate further

Gastrocaval PSS?

1 year old Bichon Frise, picky appetite, underweight, ‘syncope’ episodes, elevated liver enzymes, BAST pending Microhepatica, renomegaly, small bladder calculi, small PV, large VC and normal AO at portal hilus I think this is a looping gastrocaval shunt, is this correct?

Feline adrenals

– Middle aged MN DSH presented for abdominal ultrasound due to uncontrolled diabetes. -US: severe pancreatitis with pancreatic abscess/parapancreatic cyst of approx 3cmx5cm. Severe peritoneal inflammatory reaction around pancreas and kidneys and adrenals. Adrenals mildly enlarged (0.6cm approx).Left one presents area of calcification (can be normal in cats).  -Abscess drained for culture and no bacteria/infectious…

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