Murmur in a cat, HCM or not?

Murmur in a cat, HCM or not?

– I am still struggling with feline echos, getting good quality images and differentiting between normal and mild hypertrophy.  – I sometimes think I can see SAM but cannot always document it on M-mode. – I also find it hard to document source of murmur if no abnormalities found. Sometimes I will get turbulence in…

VSD in a cat

– 1 year old Sphinx cat with a bilateral loud murmur, no clinical signs. – How would you classify this VSD? Perimembranous? Restrictive? – There is 2 directional flow through the VSD, is this normal for a left to right shunt? – My maximum velocity is just under 2m/s, is this due to incorrect allignment?…

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