

An 11yr old 3lb yorkie spent three days at ER for acute pancreatitis based on increased amylase,lipase. Today presented for abdominal imaging. Findings include gall bladder hyperplasia , choleliths and immobile/mobile sediment,cbd not dilated, inflammation of pancreas. the recent cbc showed thrombocytosis(618k) The elevations of lipase and amylase had resolved . I also noted from…


Bailey: 11 year old French Brit. Span. Back in 8/2016 presented ADR…lyme +, 5+proteniuria but active sediment. BUN of 51 and Creat of 2.3. Lepto panel was negative. Responded to Doxycycline; Kidney number improved slightly…BUN 54/Creat 1.9 November of 2016 severe UTI…C&S showed Klebsiella >100,000/ml colonies…used clavamox and improved but some hormonal incontinence evident.


Here is the video of the little guy I posted last week. These are obtained transverse cd to cr . The cerebellum looked normal. the sag video just was not very easy to see. See what you think! Thanks

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