Gastric ulcer?

Gastric ulcer?

2y4m, 5kg Mini Schnauzer, chronic on and off V+ and D+. Appears dietary/stress related. >>US: stomach prominent muscularis, echogenic mucosa. Wall thickness WNL. Generalized mesenteric LN enlargement (0.6-0.7cm transv). Peyer Patch visualized in DD. No relevant amount of speckling in DD nor SI. >>Can this be a gastric ulcer? I cant see a clear thining of…

Gastric ulcer?

2y4m, 5kg Mini Schnauzer, chronic on and off V+ and D+. Appears dietary/stress related. >>US: stomach prominent muscularis, echogenic mucosa. Wall thickness WNL. Generalized mesenteric LN enlargement (0.6-0.7cm transv). Peyer Patch visualized in DD. No relevant amount of speckling in DD nor SI. >>Can this be a gastric ulcer? I cant see a clear thining of…

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