Liver + GIT dz

Liver + GIT dz

13 year lab pu/pd, lethargic, decreased appetie, straining to defaecate Hypoechoic liver nodules and large heterogenous liver mass Loops of thickened GIT with surrounding inflammation What is most likely diagnosis, round cell tumour? What is th yperechoic structur between left kidney and spleen on last video please?

Small Intestinal Mass

13 year old FN CKCS x Bichon Hx meleana, inappetance, lethargy, pyrexia and severe abdominal pain Neutrophilic leukocytosis, borderline anaemia and mild-mod elevated liver enzymes Very large hypoechoic and cavitatory small intestinal mass with localised free fluid and lymph node enlargement Liver has mixed sized hyperechoic nodules Also have a video of body of pancreas…

Multicentric neoplasia

14 year old MN Lab x, hx collapse, vomiting Increase liver enzymes + anaemia on bloods VPCs on ECG Abdo scan – diffuse heterogenous liver changes, diffuse gastric wall thickening, hypoechoic splenic lesions + lacey lesion at hilus Liver and spleen have been sampled, what would your top differentials be? Lymphoma? Lymph nodes were not…

Liver masses

10 year old FN JRT with cushings disease, on trilostane Progressive abdominal swelling, recent vomiting and diarrhoea with mild pyrexia Multiple heterogenous liver masses, some distorting contour, also lymph node enlargement The adrenal glands to not appear to be the primary cause What would your top differential for this be? Are there any clues to…


8 year old FN Whippet Not vaccinated farm dog 2 week hx progressive lethargy Flat, Pyrexic, hunched/painful abdomen, neutrophilia, borderline non-regen anaemia, mild increase in urea, increased cholesterol, mild increase in liver enzymes (had recent steroids), mildly decreased platelets (120 but also giant platelets), urine protein ++ (urinalysis pending) Blood stasis present in heart and…

Pancreatic cyst/abscess

12 year CKCS vomiting, diarrhoea, inappetance and panting Large anechoic septated lesion in pancreas with surrounding steatitis Do you think this is a cyst or an abscess? Would you drain ultrasound guided or go to surgery?

PS +/- VSD

8 week old Terrier with severe PS (PG >100mmHg) and RV hypertrophy and Tricuspid regurg Another query over small VSD? Not getting high velocity so think may not be true VSD but would love your opinion again Peter and all Thank you!

Abdominal mass

8 yo FN GSD Severe weight loss, tachypnoea, haemorrhagic/meleanic diarrhoea Pleural effusion, abdominal effusion, hypoechoic nodules in liver and spleen, nodular omentum and mass caudal to stomach I think this is a carcinomtosis and wondering what the mass caudal to the stomach is, pancdreas, transverse colon? There is not good penetration and in one area…


9 year old FN Persian Intermittent HL weakness Increased proBNP and murmur I thought it was a VSD but now not sure, just a severe septal bulge and HCM?  

Intra-abdominal lipoma

13 yr old Pug Well apart from abdominal swelling Suspect lipoma on scan  What is area of fishbone type hyperechogenicity Would you remove this Fna has come back as suspect lipoma