Pancreatic cyst/abscess

Sonopath Forum

Pancreatic cyst/abscess

  • 12 year CKCS vomiting, diarrhoea, inappetance and panting
  • Large anechoic septated lesion in pancreas with surrounding steatitis
  • Do you think this is a cyst or an abscess?
  • Would you drain ultrasound guided or go to surgery?

  • 12 year CKCS vomiting, diarrhoea, inappetance and panting
  • Large anechoic septated lesion in pancreas with surrounding steatitis
  • Do you think this is a cyst or an abscess?
  • Would you drain ultrasound guided or go to surgery?



abscess or possibly blown out

abscess or possibly blown out LNs would need doppler to see th edifference. If abscess, which is likely, on drainage then you can inject body weight dose baytril right back into it after draining and tx pancreatitis intesnively for 3-4 days and recheck it. Or go to sx.

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