DKA with halo kidneys?

DKA with halo kidneys?

Hello,  I’m wondering how significant and if it is what my rule outs are for these halo cortical “bands” on both kidneys. i know in cats can be due to Lymphoma, but not sure in dogs. Sophie is a 6 years old maltipoo F/S that was diagnosed with DKA, newly diagnosed with DM . She…

Nephritis ?

Hello, This is an 1.5 years old large Rottweiler MN ( neutered at 6 months). He is vomiting and anorexic. Bloodwork showed established inflamation with moderate  increase in BUN and Creatinine. USG was 1.015. X-rays were wnl. UA pending AUS : hyperechoic thin cortex with disrupted architecture on both kidneys. Despite being neutered as a…

Spinal US?

Recently I’ve heard of incorporating spinal scanning during routine abdominal ultrasounds? Is that something that needs to be done routinelly? I can see the value in “unknown origin of abdominal pain” cases with possible pain radiating from spine-IVDD/ calcified disk, masses, etc.  Any info/ data/ protocols on that? Thank you, Calin

starry sky liver

Hi, This is a 10 years old Min PIn M/N that was diagnosed in January with pancreatitis and responded poorly to treatment Now he presented in shock, tachipneic, vomiting, bloody diarheea, dehydrated 7-8 %. Mild to moderatelly high Liver enzymes and mild anemia on bloodwork AUS revealed this starry sky liver that I suspect it…

Pyloric hairball, simmilar FB

Hello, Ricky is a 9 years old M/N Min Poodle X that presented for intermitent vomiting, especially after vomiting. X-rays identified some food like material in the stomach but no obvious obstructive pattern. Unfortunatelly no Left Abd X-ray was done. Did not responded to sympt, outpatient tx.

gastritis vs pylorc ulcer

Hello, Maisie is a 8 years old Cairn Terrier that presented for chronic vomiting and anorexia for 3-4 days. She didn’t respond to symptomatic treatment ( cerenia, famotidine, metronidazole, buprenorphine) and FB was suspected. U/S ruled out an obstruction but did find these thickened pylorus and pyloric duodenal junction with mild enlargement of the Panbcreatico-duodenal…

tendon sheet mass?

Hello, This is a 10 years old great dane with a persistent 1-1.5 cm soft lump on the palmar region of the 2 nd digit FR. X-rays were normal, same with bloodwork. Lymph nodes were normal. I’m wondering if this lump has the appearance of a sarcoma or else. To me it looks like is…

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