MILN or uterine mass?

Sonopath Forum



This is a 10 years old Aussie FS ( OVH at 6 months old) that has polakiuria and straining to urinate. Rectal exam was wnl, including pelvic urethra. US confirmed a mass in the cysto-colic region…can’t tell the orygin. I can see the bladder and doesn’t appear to connect . The mass appears to originate from Medial Iliac LN. Can this be a leyomyoma? less likelly probably because she was spayed as a puppy? FNA are pending but less likelly will get an answer because there was a lot of blood on repeat FNAs. 



This is a 10 years old Aussie FS ( OVH at 6 months old) that has polakiuria and straining to urinate. Rectal exam was wnl, including pelvic urethra. US confirmed a mass in the cysto-colic region…can’t tell the orygin. I can see the bladder and doesn’t appear to connect . The mass appears to originate from Medial Iliac LN. Can this be a leyomyoma? less likelly probably because she was spayed as a puppy? FNA are pending but less likelly will get an answer because there was a lot of blood on repeat FNAs. 

Rest of the abdomen was wnl. We are considering exploratory versus euthanasia

Thank you,




Cystic, poorly vascularized

Cystic, poorly vascularized mass: neoplasia highly likley (carcinoma, sarcoma) with granuloma and abscess (stump pyometra) less likely. Clinical signs most likley from intra-pelvic compression. Although bloody the FNA may still be diagnostic.


Looks like a stump leio to me

Looks like a stump leio to me because its deviating the colon dorsally and th ebladde is iunremarkable and should have an obstructive contour if this were urethral. No mineralization so less likley to be carcinoma but they dont have to mineralize and most urethral TCC obstruct well before reaching this size in such a position. But also HSA deriving form the iliacs can do this. I would be concerned for HSA if the custs are blood filled.


Thank you Dr. Lobetti

Thank you Dr. Lobetti


Thank you EL. Hope we can

Thank you EL. Hope we can clarify at sx. Still waiting for FNAs

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