HCM? limited echo

HCM? limited echo

Hello,      This is a fractious cat that has a grade 3-4 / 6 heart murmur.BP was 140 systolic .  No clinical signs of heart disease. Unfortunatelly due to high stress ( open mouth breathing during restraining) was not able to do a full echo ( no doppler, no velocities). Would you agree that…

Pericardial effusion cause?

Hello, Niebla is a ~ 5 years old F/S GSP X rescued from Dominican Rep. 2 years ago Presented for anorexia, distended abdomen   Had muffled heart and abdominal fluid wave on PE  Pericardiocentesis performed, removed 400 ml of clear fluid- Transudate   Large amount of peritoneal fluid as well   BW was wnl except…


Hello, Nikki is a 12 years old papillon F/S that presented for anorexia for the last 3 days  and vomiting.She was  Icteric on presentation, She has heart murmur, she is on Pimobendan and Butorphanol for collapsing tracheea. Her heart condition is compensated BW : severly increased all liver enzymes with ALT and ALKP at 5000. …

Pyelonephritis ?

Millie is a 2 years old Pug that initially presented for straining to urinate, blocked on October 2017. She was diagnosed with bladder stones and had a cystotomy done .According to owner she is incontinent ever since the surgery; she is still urinating with a good stream but also dribbling urine ( wearing a diaper..)…

linear FB

Hello, Jack is a 11 months old Male lab that likes to chew his stuff toy and rope toys. His bloodwork was wnl, X-rays showed fluid filled intestines but no definitive obstruction pattern AUS was normal except this linear FB in the mid duodenum. Can this be an artefact? It looks to me that is…


this is a 5 years old chihuahua that developed preganancy toxemia and had an emergency C-section at ~ 59-60 days of pregnancy. Pups are preterm but doing good. She doesn’t have enough milk to nurse and barelly eating. Not really improving after 3 days post C-section despite being treated (dextrose fluids,  ampicillin sulbactum, metoclopramide, mirtazipine,…

Sonographic findings for Lepto

I have another case that is highly suspect of acute Lepto. PCR pending. Main findings are : perinephric fluid, hyperechoic renal cortices, periportal lymphadenopathy.


Hello, In an ER setting is it correct to simplify, diagnose CHF on cats if LA/AO considerably high # ( like > 2.5-3) and significant rocket lines ( as for pulmonary edema)? Is it enough? I’m asking because to me it is so much easier to obtain a LA/AO in a cat that is in…


This is a 7 years old Cocker that presented icteric, has history of chronic pancreatitis Liver is heterogenous with multiple ill defined hypoechoic nodules, distended CBD with no  definitive mass or urolith seen and hypoechoic pancreas – body. All liver enzymes are markedly increased ( 6000 for ALT) I suspected round cell neoplasia but couldn’t…

Pancreatitis, gastritis versus neoplasia

Hello, Toby is a 7 years old Daschund M/N X that presented with acute onset of vomiting Bloodwork revealed established mild inflamation, high Amylase, Lipase.  On U/S the pancreas is heterogenous with mid hyperechoic reactive fat surrounding it but also thickening of the stomach wall which measured 0.7-0.9 cm . The muscularis has speckles wich…

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