acute hydronephrosis

acute hydronephrosis

Hello,   This is a 6 years old m/n cat that presented for vomiting, lethargy. This cat has muscle and weight loss that appears to be chronic Bloodwork revealed mild inflamatory leukogram and hypokalemia. Albumin was in low normal

Heart Mass

Hello, This is a 6 year old rottie FS that had marked ascites. No “reason” for ascites seen on AUS; CVC was distended so moving to heart scan this right ventricle mass was found. Due to severe tachipneea and patient been unstable only this focal heart US was performed. Would this appearance and localization would…

Enlarged MILN, distended urether

  Hello, This is a 9 years old F/S Lab that presented with decrease apetite, lethargy, diarheea, vomited once Bloodwork : established inflamation and mild decrease in ALB X-rays : mild decrease in serosal detail right upper quadrant and possible some mass effect at RK

polyploid cystitis

Hello,   Benji is a 9 Years old Terrier X M/N that presented for dribbling urine. His UA in house was normal with moderatelly low concentration at USG 1.024. Normal renal values and rest of blood wnl. C/S pending His AUS was normal except concentric diffuse thickening of the bladder wall, mesuring 0.55-0.6 cm ….

Pitting edema #2

Hello, I think the previous post was missed…..or nothing to add?    

Pitting edema LH

Hello,   Jackson is a 4 year old GSP mix M/I. He has chronic edema of LH , lower limb, from stifle down. No obvious mass on the leg. Popliteal LN mild enlarged, less the  2 cm. Rectal exam : symetrical mild enlarged prostate  He is occasionally limping otherwise acting normally. Bloodwork was wnl, X-rays…


Hello,   Mandy is a 11 years old S/F Min. Poodle that presented for diarheea and weight loss. She has severe hypoalbuminemia( 16)and hypoglobulinemia(14) and mild anemia. She has a heart murmur, X-rays chest revealed an enlarged heart but no signs of decompensation. US revealed free fluid, thickened si with linear striations in the mucosa,…

FB in stomach

hello,   Blue is a 9 years old Malee rottweiler that was vomiting multiple times for the last 24 hours. ||bloodwork was showing mild established inflamation, chemistry was normal.  On the left lateral there is radiopaque material and focal US confirm it. Would you sgo directly to scope this dog or treat conservativelly and recheck…

MILN or uterine mass?

Hello,   This is a 10 years old Aussie FS ( OVH at 6 months old) that has polakiuria and straining to urinate. Rectal exam was wnl, including pelvic urethra. US confirmed a mass in the cysto-colic region…can’t tell the orygin. I can see the bladder and doesn’t appear to connect . The mass appears…

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