Heart Mass

Sonopath Forum


This is a 6 year old rottie FS that had marked ascites. No “reason” for ascites seen on AUS; CVC was distended so moving to heart scan this right ventricle mass was found. Due to severe tachipneea and patient been unstable only this focal heart US was performed.

Would this appearance and localization would suggest a heart base origin or more like HGS with RA originn extending into RV ? What are the most likelly DDX for this mass?


Thank you


This is a 6 year old rottie FS that had marked ascites. No “reason” for ascites seen on AUS; CVC was distended so moving to heart scan this right ventricle mass was found. Due to severe tachipneea and patient been unstable only this focal heart US was performed.

Would this appearance and localization would suggest a heart base origin or more like HGS with RA originn extending into RV ? What are the most likelly DDX for this mass?


Thank you



Cool images!
Difficult to


Cool images!

Difficult to base the histogenesis of this neoplasia just on the localisation. Theres a nice paper out there (Rajagopalan et al JVIM 2013) showing that localisation is not a good criterion for diagnosis of different cardiac neoplasias. 

HAS is of course possible, but also any other carcinoma or tumors of the hematopoetic system. Benign is rather unlikely but cannot be excluded. 

I would always look for primary tumors south of the diaphragm and outside the cavities. 

I you can’t find another neoplasia to take biopsies from, catheter based biopsy-taking would be the only way to get a diagnosis.



Good to know.
Thank you

Good to know.

Thank you Peter.

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