Hyperechoic infiltrates throughout abdominal organs, suspect mucocele
10 yr FS heeler cross, 1 week anorexia, severe lethargy, acute onset hemorrhagic diarrhea, abdominal pain. Blood work – marked elevated liver enzymes (ALT 800’s, ALP 600’s, T bili normal), mild azotemia. Unfortunately owner declined further workup (no FNA’s). Wondering top rule outs for the hyperechoic infiltrative lesions. This looks like a mucocele getting ready…
Large prostate with non-diagnostic aspirates (debris/necrotic tissue) in MN Maltese
Sorry no pics to post with this one as was on someone elses machine. 10 year old MN Maltese with 2 cm, hypoechoic prostate that containes small hyperechoic areas throughout (non-shadowing) and no cystic/anechoic areas. Mildly irregular capsule. All tissue looked the same. Did FNA and came back as debris. During the aspirates, came out…
acute renal failure in 10 week old kitten
Acute onset vomiting, anorexia and lethargy in 10 wk FI DSH. Blood work revealed BUN>140, creat 9.7, K 9.2, iCa 0.85, HCT 38. Responding well to IV fluids and producing urine. No evidence of ureterolith. Kidneys appear more hyperechoic than spleen, with some loss C-M distinction, but otherwise unremarkable. My understanding is that congenital could…
mesenteric rent
Scanned a 7 yr MI Melinois cross last week. He had a history of mesenteric torsion repaired 6 months ago with significant small bowel resection at that time. Had started vomiting last week intermittent. Lab work showed an elevated ALT (800), otherwise unremarkable. Ultrasound showed increased portal markings in the liver and the stomach had…
ureteral papilla?
14y FS Rat Terrier. PUPD since March, now urinating q2h, often small amounts. Blood work in June showed mild renal azotemia with WBCs present on UA (rDVM lab work – can’t determine if they saw bacteria). Normal CBC. Did not respond to a trial of Baytril. Ultrasound limited to urinary system due to finances. The…
Mature Beagle with elevated liver values and micro hepatica
Thirteen year old FS Beagle presented for vomiting and anorexia of 5 days duration. Six months ago, ALT was mid 200’s. At that time, bile acids were mildly elevated (pre 8.9, post 15.2) and an abdominal ultrasound showed micro hepatica. Today, ALT was too elevated for rDVM analyst to read (diluting sample now), ALP 1800,…
Renaly dysplasia
2 yr MN Shepherd mix, previously healthy until one week ago when became anorexic and lethergic. Unclear if may have previously had any PU/PD symptoms. Current on vaccines including two years of annual Lepto vaccine. Blood work = creat 12, BUN 238, Phos 24, TP 9, WBC 19,000, HCT 31.8. UA = SpG 1.015, occasional…
Liver lesion, history of osteosarcoma
13y FS Lab w/ forelimb amputation due to osteosarcoma 3 months ago. Not clinical. Owner is a do everything client. Met check is WNL. Would like to FNA this solitary lesion in the liver, but seeing a decent amount of flow on both color and power doppler. This dog has consistently had an ALP >1000….
DCM + small to moderate pericardial effusion in a small breed dog
10 yr FS Schnoodle with hx of syncopal episodes, vomiting and lethargy. Radiographs showed an enlarged heart, normal vasculature and lungs. Echo showed a markedly dilated left ventricle and moderate left atrial enlargement (minimal right heart enlargement). There was also a relatively small amount of pericardial effusion, but enough that I did appreciate some tamponade…