Polycystic kidney disease in an approximately 10 year old MN cat with crf
10 yr old mn DSH diagnsoed with Iris stage 3/4 crf in April of 2017. PE shows large left kidney and right kidney not palpable Labwork shows SDMA=39, Creat=4.5, BUN=55, K=5.3, USG=1.012, 2+proteinuria, UPCR=0.4, C/S-neg, RBC=6.60, MCH=16.7
Dyspnea, pulmonary infiltrates, and adrenal gland tumor in a 10yr MN ShihTzuh
This dog presented for vomiting 2 days ago and was diagnosed with pancreatitis based upon a positive cPLI and hazy abdominal radiographs. The WBC ct was elevated as was AST and ALT. The dog was treated in part with SQ fluids. Last night, the dog went to the emergency clinic for dyspnea. The radiology report…
Complex cystic liver mass in a jaundiced 15 year old FS DLH
15 year old FS DLH presented for vomiting, anorexia and diarrhea. PE showed painful abdomen and jaundice. CBC shows a relative neutrophilia. Chem prof shows ALT=819, GGT=11, TBIli=6.5. Abdominal ultrasound shows a complex, cystic mass in the left liver. Free anechoic fluid is seen adjacent to the bladder, liver, and liver mass. The gallbladder is…
Heart base mass, RV enlargement, TVI, and moderate to severe dyspnea in a 12 year old Shihtzu X
Chronic cough for 3 months followed by 3 days of progressively worsening dyspnea Chest radiographs show a cranial mediastinal mass Echocardiogram and thoracic ultrasound show a heart base mass. In some views, there appears to be more than one mass, but it could be the same one wrapping around the heart base. There is marked…
Cardiology certification for King Charles Cavaliers
I have a rural clinic with a King Charles Cavalier breeder who wants to get cardiology certification for her dogs. Is there an official cardiology certification program for this breed? The other question I have is whether this needs to be done by a cardioligist or can I acquire the images and have a…
Cardiology certification for King Charles Cavaliers
I have a rural clinic with a King Charles Cavalier breeder who wants to get cardiology certification for her dogs. Is there an official cardiology certification program for this breed? The other question I have is whether this needs to be done by a cardioligist or can I acquire the images and have a…
Right to left VSD, right ventricular hypertrophy, and RA dilation in a young pitbull
This thin, young adult pitbull was recently picked up off the streets by a rescue group. The dog shows cyanosis, exercize intolerance and has a loud cardiac murmru. Radiographs show right heart enlargement. HWT is negative. Echocardiogram shows marked right ventricular wall and septal hypertrophy, RA enlargement, and a R to L VSD seen on…
13 yr old FS DSH with echogenic left liver mass
13 year old FS DSH with history of vomiting. CBC is wnl. Chem prof shows an elevated ALT. Abdominal US shows a diffusely thickened small intestinal muscularis layer, an echogenic left liver mass, irregular pancreatic body enlargement, slightly thickened gallbladder wall and gravity dependent echogenic sludge. I don’t frequently see echogenic feline liver masses…
10 year old FS DSH with chronic vomiting and weight loss
10 year old FS DSH with chronic vomiting and weight loss Blood work is pending Immediately dorsal to the descending duodenum are strongly hypoechoic elliptical structures with adjacent reactive echogenic fat. In some views, it looks like pancreas. In other views, they more closely resemble reactive lymph nodes. FNA’s were not allowed. What do you…
Hypernatremia in a 10 year old Ragdoll
10 year old mn Ragdoll presented for chronic PU/PD, lethargy, diarhhea PE shows thin body condition and unkept hair coat, walking plantigrade in the rear legs Chem prof shows Na=178 mmol/L (repeatable), Cl=143 mmol/L, K=4.9mmol/L, Glob=5.6g/dL, BUN=46, Creat=2.9, Glu=127mg/dl CBC shows a neutrophilia=18.25K/mcL, monocytosis=1.87 K/mcL, WBC=22.85K/mcL