Polycystic kidney disease in an approximately 10 year old MN cat with crf

Sonopath Forum

Polycystic kidney disease in an approximately 10 year old MN cat with crf

  • 10 yr old mn DSH diagnsoed with Iris stage 3/4 crf in April of 2017.  
  • PE shows large left kidney and right kidney not palpable
  • Labwork shows SDMA=39, Creat=4.5, BUN=55, K=5.3, USG=1.012, 2+proteinuria, UPCR=0.4, C/S-neg, RBC=6.60, MCH=16.7
    • 10 yr old mn DSH diagnsoed with Iris stage 3/4 crf in April of 2017.  
    • PE shows large left kidney and right kidney not palpable
    • Labwork shows SDMA=39, Creat=4.5, BUN=55, K=5.3, USG=1.012, 2+proteinuria, UPCR=0.4, C/S-neg, RBC=6.60, MCH=16.7
    • Abdominal ultrasound shows bilaterally enlarged, polycystic kidneys with dramatic loss of the normal internal renal archtecture, especially in the right kidney-almost no normal solid parenchyma seen.  The left kidney measures 5.56cm in length and has mild pyelectasia.  The right kidney measures 4.66cm.
    • This is the ugliest most advanced case of PKD that I have ever seen.  I realize that there could be a remote potential for neoplasia (carcninoma) but am shying away from sticking a needle in the left kidney and causing complications that could cause his crf to progress.
    • Anything new in the management of PKD other than supportive tx for crf, monitoring for UTI’s, and treatment of systemic hypertension if present?




No new treatments that I know

No new treatments that I know of other than treating for CKD.

If a cyst gets really large and painful it can be drained.

See this entry I made previously. Manny is my son’s dog and this cyst was very painful and the mother of all cysts.



PKD most likley as both

PKD most likley as both kidneys appear similar. FNA cytology not going to add any further information. Only other thing that can be added to the treatment regimen would be anti-hypertensives if there is systemic hypertension.


Nope no magic bullet here…

Nope no magic bullet here… treat for CRF and do what you mentioned inn the last sentence and monitor the bp.


Ok, thanks!

Ok, thanks!


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