Left atrial Presuure/Capacitance

Left atrial Presuure/Capacitance

12 yr FS dog. 3-4/6 murmur. MVD and TVD. LV looks reasonable. In “brick”, septum of LA bowed to right. LAD:AO increased and depending on where RSA LAAO measured, it is supportive of RPSLA/LAD. Unable to get decent image of atrial wall in RSA with “the twist”. Mitral inflow E vel.= WNL with sig. atrial…

Double Chamber Left Ventricle

5 yr MN cat; vomiting, resp. distress, lameness front limb. Rads: pul edema with atypical presentation and possible cardiomegaly. SNAP pro BNP abnormal. Echo: sever LV hypertrophy, severe LA enlargement, restrictive MV inflow pattern. Ridge of tissue extending from the LVPW to the septal base creating a double chamber effect. PG was 68mmHg (large CW…

Right Heart Asessment with Trivial regurgitation

Thoughts? 3yr,25lb male, Cushionoid WHWT chronic cough. Sept.CT; alv consolidation vent lobes, mild Br. thickening, diffuse inst. pattern rest of lung parenchyma, mass assoc. R adr. Recent rads; inst. Pattern(on AB’s). R Hrt large. Echo: Mobitz type2 block?, trivial MV and TV reg, LV mildly increased(CI=1.7),LA:AO=wnl, AO=1.5m/s,E:A=1.1,Evel=.93m/s. RV=NAF?,no sig. RV pressure(TVreg 3m/s (poor) RPADI normal,no…

MVD Therapeutic Finesse chest radiographs

Minimal lung changes now. Interstitial pattern in PH and dorsal caudal region with increased pulmonary parenchymal density. Lungs looked fairly good??Pulmonary veins increased in size. RR 36-40+ at home sleep/relaxed. Shallow breathing with minimal effort or coughing.Seems to respond to furosemide. Clinically fine otherwise. Eating and drinking. Not significantly dehydrated- increased urination, renal values were…

MVD Therapeutic Finesse

12 yr , 6Kg dog stage C MVD. Pimo 1.25Mg Capsules BID, lasix 2mg/Kg and maintained. Increased RR again. Treated with Pimo, Lasix TID( 2.7 mg/Kg AM,2mg/Kg mid, and 2.7mg/Kg evening), SID Benazipril. Most Recent recheck and Echo clinically fine, RR 40/min( home and clinic), shallow- min effort, auscult = very mild crackles DH region….

Cardiac neoplasia

9 1/2 yr MN boxer-X, severe weakness+ ascites+dyspnea/tachypnea. Hx= weight loss, grain free diet. Initial TX= Pimobendin. Echo; pericardial effusion with RA and some RV diastolic collapse. Pericardiocentesis to relieve tamponade. Abdominocentesis to relieve respiratory embarrassment. Mild vol. overloading of R side noted following centesis- Pimobendin continued. Recheck 3 days post centesis= normal cardiac function,…

Pleural Effusion Ascites and ghosts

8 yr FS cat, PE and ascites. Blood wk=NSF, Alb= normal. US; normal cardiac structure and function, slight increased right ventricular size. Ghost noted on tilted brick just cranial to heart base and above ventricle at level of R atrium on RSA view. Fluid sample obtained from abdomen consistent with mild chylous effusion (no inflammation,…

Kitten Echo Ratios and Numbers

12-week kitten. Hx of possible seizure episodes. Presented for dyspnea. Rads heavy dorsal caudal interstitial lung pattern with interstitial/alveolar pattern CV. Brief US. RSA LA size was at cut off limit for adults (Ao may be measured a bit small), LAD was WNL( slightly rounded). SNAP NT-pro BNP was abnormal (Blue dot darker than control))….

Pericardial Effusion and PHT

Does pulmonary hypertension with unrelated pericardial effusions buffer, to any degree, tamponade pressures on the RA and its resultant pathology? Is the decreased forward flow with PHT a similar trade off with the tamponade effects of PE to some degree? Can the addition of ACEi/b, treating increased downstream pressures, affect up stream pressures enough that…

Chemodectoma or other?

10 yr MN E Bulldog ,ventral alv lung pattern- TX aspiration pneumonia(mildWBC). Follow up= int. pattern with cardiomegaly. TX low dose furosemide and Pimobendan. Follow up; Cough almost resolved, Echo: large LA with septal bowing and restrictive MV profile. Normal LV fractional shortening(36%) with mild mitral regurgitation MV Reg. vel=4.8m/s, EPSS=.42cm, TV regurge velocity =…