possible pancreatic cyst? colon?

Sonopath Forum

possible pancreatic cyst? colon?

10 year old MN doodle cross having diarrhea and one episode of vomiting with evidence of signficant enteritis and colitis on ultrasound.  I am having a hard time identifying the cystic looking structure between the stomach, colon and portal vein.  With the curvilinear probe, I was concerned it might be a pancreatic cyst, but using the linear probe, was more convinced I had just caught a random loop of colon.  This dog does have a nodular liver with one cyst and rounded left liver lobe, normal appearing adrenal glands (my impression was nodular hyperplasia or vacuolar hepatopa

10 year old MN doodle cross having diarrhea and one episode of vomiting with evidence of signficant enteritis and colitis on ultrasound.  I am having a hard time identifying the cystic looking structure between the stomach, colon and portal vein.  With the curvilinear probe, I was concerned it might be a pancreatic cyst, but using the linear probe, was more convinced I had just caught a random loop of colon.  This dog does have a nodular liver with one cyst and rounded left liver lobe, normal appearing adrenal glands (my impression was nodular hyperplasia or vacuolar hepatopathy)



sorry i missed this one in my

sorry i missed this one in my travels… not great resolution here if you do a c-loop from position 14 and push at 1 second or at 3 seconds into it you will get very close to this struture. Its either a panc cyst on right base or a LN/LN cyst and then would need a needle. Add power doppler in that position as well to see iof vascularized and then i would worry about badness. Cyst of course would be doppler negative.


Thank you, Eric.  The dog is

Thank you, Eric.  The dog is eating and doing well now on GI diet, so I’m hoping they will let me recheck the nodular liver changes down the road and get to re-explore this area at that time to see if it has resolved/static or progressing

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