Mixed echogenicity solitary masses

Sonopath Forum

Mixed echogenicity solitary masses

  • 10 year old FN Setter with inappetance, lethargy and mild anaemia, excess abdominal fat
  • The spleen had multiple hypoechoic nodules – these have been aspirated, cytology pending
    • 10 year old FN Setter with inappetance, lethargy and mild anaemia, excess abdominal fat
    • The spleen had multiple hypoechoic nodules – these have been aspirated, cytology pending
    • There were multiple solitary nodules/masses – one cranial to left kidney, one caudal to the stomach (not sure if associated with pancreas), once caudal to right kidney (all shown in separate videos). I could also see smaller hyperechoic nodules in the fat and I recall these being described as granulomas in a previous post. I am wondering if you think these nodules are larger granulomas or something more sinister? I tried to sample them but the slides seemed more fatty than cellular, they were hard to access though.



some look like fatty

some look like fatty granulomas and others LN and splenic target lesion with capsular expansion… I  would fna them all 25g and see what comes out.


Thank you!
The granulomas

Thank you!

The granulomas came back as fatty.

The splenic aspirates came back as EMH.

I am worried I am missing stomach/pancreatic pathology here.

I will try and rescan with deeper sedation. 


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