Mixed echogenicity solitary masses

Mixed echogenicity solitary masses

10 year old FN Setter with inappetance, lethargy and mild anaemia, excess abdominal fat The spleen had multiple hypoechoic nodules – these have been aspirated, cytology pending

Severe cystitis and reblocking in a 3.5 year old MN DLH

Hi All,  Dr. Hylands discussed eosinophilic cystitis at the Sonopath Clean Up lab in December, but I can’t recall exactly what his thoughts were.

Severe cystitis and reblocking in a 3.5 year old MN DLH

Hi All,  Dr. Hylands discussed eosinophilic cystitis at the Sonopath Clean Up lab in December, but I can’t recall exactly what his thoughts were. 6 year old MN Maine Coon cat, blocked Sunday this week. I saw him in GP but sent him to the EC for unblocking (as it was sunday and we were…

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